Chapter 3

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-Maddison's pov-
Raf ran over and I picked him up and had him sitting on my right shoulder and he smiled and said, "Maddison I didn't think you've be assign to here." I chuckled but scarred cat told the kids why I was here but introduced me to the autobots, they were surprised I wasn't scared but I said, "Trust me I've seen and dealt with scarier things then ya'll but let me introduced myself the names Maddison McCree and the godmother of Raf." They greeted me but the yellow scout told me I was cool looking when I thanked him, everyone was shocked and I asked what when Raf told me his story.

-Jack's pov-
Optimus told Maddison everything he told us but Maddison tipped her hat up and said, "This sounds kinda what I had to do with my team against my old father figure. But now he's on our side since I'm back in the business." I was suspicious of her and said, "What do you do?" Arcee scolded me but Maddison said, "Will I was robbed banks when me and my brother were kids because are parents either died or left us, so my brother raised me and we did everything together. Then we got caught by a group of Solider's two took a liking to me as a daughter and I saw them as a father figures, years later I'm on both special teams my brother was on was called blackwatch while I was also on overwatch. Then my bosses had a falling out till an explosion went off at our base at the time I just arrived back from a mission when I saw it. Everyone I knew I thought was dead but I found my brother and got him help at a cost he lost his left arm. But now I'm a bounty hunter and an agent to my team because my old friend did a recall a couple of years ago and I came but found my family all alive just a little different."

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