Fallen hero

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Rhodes was blabbing about something he saw on TV yesterday. He was excited, like really excited about that TV show. But I couldn't focus. I smiled, nodded and smiled again, hoping he didn't ask me something. We were sitting in a bar full of people. Lighting was bad, bar smelled like beer (not that I had anything against it) and it was loud like hell. The TV was turned on for no reason. No one could hear it. No one paid attention. Except me. That beautiful face, cherry lips and two, ocean-blue eyes... Steve aka Captain America was on TV.

-I have to go.- I said. Rhodes was confused.

-Why? Something happened?- he asked, ready for action.

-No, I just. Have. To. Do. Go.- I managed to finish my sentence.

In that exact moment, Rhodes looked at the TV and saw what I saw. The most wanted men in America. Captain America.

Some people said that fallen angels are the most beautiful creatures ever. I say fallen heroes are the most beautiful, not fallen angels.

-Still not over him?- Rhodes asked, quietly.

-Yeah. No! You know what, I'm done with him. I just don't want to see his face!- I snapped.

-Okay, Tony, calm down.- said Rhodes. –People are watching.

-Fuck them.- I mumbled and left.

My suit was already waiting for me. I wanted to fly away. But fly where? If I could go somewhere now, I would go to see him. Steve. FOR FUCKS SAKE, STEVE! What have you done to me? I couldn't breathe. All of a sudden, my suite was too small for me. I felt claustrophobic. I was already in the air, flying at full speed.

-Jarvis, what's going on? Check my oxygen levels.- I said nervously.

-Your oxygen levels are fine, sir. It appears that you have panic attack.- Jarvis said.

-Jarvis, start emergency landing. Now!- I screamed.

-Yes, sir. Emergency landing started.- said Jarvis in his usual tone.

I relaxed somehow and let my suit handle the situation. We landed safely. I didn't know where I was, but it didn't matter. I sat on the ground, opened my helmet and started crying. I cried quietly, for hours it seemed. I missed him, missed him so much. Every fucking time I heard his name or saw his face or anything that reminded me of him my heart would fall apart like the castle of glass.

-Tony.- said someone. It was Rhodes. –Buddy, let's go home. Come on, get up.- he said softly.

Without a word, I got up. We flew back to the Avengers building. Nat was waiting for us.

-What happened?- she asked. She was worried. Probably because I looked like shit.

Rhodes just shook his head, and Nat just nodded. Everyone was silent. As I was walking to my room Nat said:

-If you want to talk I'll be downstairs.

I didn't say anything. I was so damn tired. So I fell asleep, in my suit.

I had a dream. It wasn't really a dream it was more like a memory in a dream. It was Steve, beating me up. I could clearly see how his face looked like when he used his shield to crash my arc reactor. Then he ran away with Bucky. For months I didn't know if he was alive.

I woke up, sweating like a pig. I grabbed my sleeping pills and took two.

-You're going to fall asleep soon, just turn off your brain.- I said to myself. I didn't want to take my suit off because it made me feel less lonely. It made me feel like someone is hugging me.

-Sir, Clint told me to wake you up. Everyone is waiting for you. They want you to have lunch with them.

-Friday, honey, I'll really have to change some of your programs. Like, no waking up Tony, cause Tony made you, Tony is your God. And he needs his beauty sleep.- I mumbled.

-Of course, sir.- Friday said.

I left my suit and went to my dress room. I need something clean and in one peace if possible. Also, without oil stains. My clothes are full of them.

When I finally managed to find something to wear, I went downstairs to join everyone else. Put your usual Tony Idiot Stark face and everything will be alright.

-Finally. We can eat.- said Clint. Nat rolled her eyes.

-Yeah, yeah, eat you animal.- I smiled.

When everyone confirmed that I'm alive and happy again, they continued with their usual chatter. I couldn't focus completely so I just added few sarcastic comments so no one notices that something is wrong.

As the end of the breakfast was approaching, everyone became nervous. The awkward silence was everywhere.

Vision entered the room and everyone freaked out. People started picking their noses, plucking their hair, coughing and wiggling. Nat was rolling her eyes and tried to tell Vision to leave the room, but he ignored it.

-Steve and Bucky are coming back. They are not on SHIELD's blacklist anymore.

Electricity was on the next level. Everyone was staring at me.

Control yourself, Tony. You can do it!

I was holding the glass in my hand. I wanted to put it back on the table. But I smashed it!

Everyone jumped a little.

-For a bunch of mutants, you guys get scared easily.- I laughed.

-Tony...- Nat started.

-I'm okay. Friday, prepare rooms for Captain America and Bucky.- I said and smiled. –See, everything is okay. 

Note: English is my second language so if I made any mistakes... Tell me. Anyway, I did my best :D

Autor from the future: Holy smokes 300 people read this thing. Thanks! And no one really complained about my crappy English. I hope that means it's okay, it not too crappy. 

And one more thing: I LOVE YOU 3000 !

The most beautiful thing *Tony x Steve*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt