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Steve sat down next to me.

-Tony, I know you're angry but I want you to think about something. Can we be friends? Again?- he asked.

I didn't answer. I couldn't.

-Please.- he said. His voice was low and pleasant and I could feel chills going through my spine.

-You know we can't be friends. Because I... I fell...- I couldn't finish my sentence.

-I know.- he whispered.

We couldn't be friends because I fell in love with him. And that thing is completely one-sided. He also put me in a coma and run away with Bucky. Physically I'm completely fine. But emotionally, I'm still in pain.

-I'm leaving.- I said. But Steve grabbed my hand.

-I can't believe I'm doing this.- he said for himself.

And just like that, HE KISSED ME!


I woke up on the roof. The morning was warm and sunny. But it was too warm. What the hell is going on? At that moment, memories hit me like a bullet train. First kiss with Steve. He's taking off my clothes. His arms are all over me. I turned around and there he was. His warm hands are still holding me tightly. And, oh my god! I'M NAKED! AND HE'S NAKED, TOO! Oh my, Steve is naked...

Remember how I said that Milky Way is the most beautiful thing you can see while standing on Earth. Well, I changed my mind. It's Steve.

But bad memories came back. I shook my head desperately trying to get rid of them. But the pain was still there. Reminding me of his cold eyes. Sound of my bones cracking. Waking up in the intensive care unit. Panic attacks, nightmares, and weight on my chest that...

I couldn't breathe. I wanted to forgive him. I wanted to forget everything. But I couldn't.

So I picked up my pants and started dressing up.

-Tony.- I heard Steve's raspy, morning voice.

-This was a huge mistake. Forget about this.- I said and left.

There is no way I'll cry in front of him.


-Stark, we have a mission.- said Clint. –Half of us is going to stay here to train newbies. The other half has to kick someone's ass.

-You should stay with the kids, Tony.- said Steve as he entered the room.

-I'm going with you.- I ignored Steve and kept talking to Clint.

After 30 minutes we were ready to go. Steve looked like he wants to kill me, but I ignored him, again.

-Everyone, don't forget that we're dealing with humans. They are selling illegal extraterrestrial material so they will probably have some advanced weapons. Try not to hurt them, we need them alive.- said Nat.

Clint and I nodded. Steve just kept staring at me.

-We'll be on the location in 5 minutes.- said Steve.


-Tony, watch your six!- Nat yelled. But Clint was faster. The man behind me was already on the ground. He was already sleeping because of the sedatives that Clint used in his special arrows.

-We established that their weapons can't even scratch my suite. So relax, mom.- I said and Nat rolled her eyes. Clint just laughed and took down the next guy that showed up.

But Steve... He was furious. If I survive this mission (obviously I will) Steve will kill me. Why? I have no idea.

-More people coming in.- said Clint.

At that moment, the ground started shaking. People who just entered the room run away. Behind us was a woman, holding the biggest gun I have ever seen.

-Oh, shit.- I whispered. That's not a gun, that's cannon. My company used to make them. If she uses that in this room... I started running. She's aiming to the right. Steve is there. Shoot me, please! LOOK AT ME!

-Tony!- I heard people yelling.

It was too late. Blast passed right next to me and hit Steve.

-No! No, no, no...- I screamed.

Steve was on the ground. Unconscious? Dead?

-You! You are dead!- I turned around looking for that woman.

She used cannon on me and completely destroyed on side of my suite. I raised my healthy hand and started blasting her.

-Dead. Dead. Dead.- I was mumbling those words as I was walking towards her.

She tried one more time to get up and use cannon but I finished her. 

The most beautiful thing *Tony x Steve*Where stories live. Discover now