Aggressive is better

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After we finished our meal, we gathered in the living room. Everyone decided to ignore my attitude when it comes to Steve and focused on Thor's hammer.

-If I lift this, I rule Asgard?- I asked.

-Yes.- Thor laughed.

So, I tried. And Rhodes helped me. But nothing happened. That damn thing really didn't move.

Others tried as well. When I saw Steve getting up, I automatically grabbed my glass. Every time I see that man I need alcohol. Sometimes, because he's absolutely gorgeous. And sometimes because it's painful to watch something you can never have.

When he actually moved that hammer (he didn't lift it, just moved it but anyway I was impressed) I was really proud. And he saw it. That stupid smile on my face.

Time to go.

-Where are you going?- Nat asked.

-Work, mommy, work. You need my money, remember?- I answered.

-Nope. Come back here.- she pulled me back and sat me down on the sofa.

-Why should I?- I asked in a ''rebellious teenager'' manner.

-Because mommy said so.- she smiled.

-Evil woman.- I laughed. –Okay. I'll stay.

Steve smiled. Oh man, I wish I was blind. I also rolled my eyes and he caught me. Okay, time for another drink.

As I was filling my glass he Steve showed up.

-Can we talk?- he asked. His voice was like the most expensive velvet in this world. Damn, can't resist that.

-No.- I answered and turned away.

-Please. Tony, please.- he begged.

-Roof. I'll be there in the minute.- I said. Okay, I'm becoming mellow. Like, really mellow. Some squishy, soft creature. Let's pray that I don't cry.

It was cold outside. Steve was staring at something. Like he could see something out there. Mist is everywhere.

-I'm doing this so you could stop following me around like some abandoned puppy.- I said in my usually egocentric manner.

See, when you are behaving like a self-centered, narcissistic, egocentric asshole, people think that they can't hurt you. They think that no one could ever hurt you. And that's exactly what I want Steve to think.

-Tony, I should have never left like that. You were right. That mission... I was wrong. I can't save everyone. I'm sorry. I really am. And I can promise you, I'll never do that again. I'm on your side now.- he said.

I head what he said and counted to 10. Then I looked at him. He was waiting for my answer.

-Done?- I asked.

-Yes.- he said.

I turned around and started walking.

-You don't have anything to say?

I could tell that he became nervous and slightly irritated.

-I can only yell at you. So, no. I don't have anything to say.

-Please, yell at me. Do something. Just don't hate me and do that thing.

-What thing?

-Passive-aggressive stuff.- he said and pointed on me. –Aggressive is better.

-You want aggressive, okay. YOU FUCKING LEFT ME!- I started yelling. -You decided that it's okay to beat the shit out of me and then just leave with your war lover or something. Do you have any idea how I felt? ANY IDEA???

-Yes, I actually do. That's why I said that I'm sorry.

It took a step back. Did he know? That I love him? Is that what he...?

-Who told you?- I whispered.

-Bucky noticed.- he shrugs his shoulders.

-Yeah, of course. So now you think that you have to feel sorry for me or something. You know what, special snowflake, just keep living. Like nothing happened. We can talk. But never about this. Ever again.- I said and walked away.

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