Most beautiful thing you can see

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My plan to get drunk and work again failed. Bruce stopped me. He said that he'll turn into the Hulk if I just touch the bottle.

-I can drink without touching.- I laughed.

-Tony, stop it. Talk to me.

I grabbed one of the straws on the table and put it in my glass and took a sip of whiskey.

-See, drinking without touching. We don't need big green guy.- I said and kept drinking.

-Tony, you have to talk to someone. You're not alone, buddy.- said Bruce.

I looked through the window. The mist cleared out and I could see stars now.

-I'm just sick and tired of everyone treating me like this, Bruce.- I whispered. –You're my friends. I know that. And I appreciate it. You guys, you are like family to me, actually. But right now, I just want to be alone.

-It's hard to leave you alone when I can see that you're in pain. Just promise me that you won't do anything crazy, okay?- said Bruce and put his hand on my shoulder.



Fury made me train newbies for a couple of days. I expected a bunch of crybabies but they surprised me. Especially one kid. Peter Parker. He can be clumsy and extremely weird sometimes, but he's a great kid. One day he asked me for some extra training. And just like that, I started spending more time with him. His twisted sense of humor and tendency to kiss the ground with his nose every once in a while, it cheered me up.

One day he called me '' dad''.

-I'm sorry Mr. Stark!- he rushed to explain himself.

-It's okay Peter.- I laughed.

Since that day I didn't touch the bottle. His voice and that word ''dad'' kept ringing inside of my head every time when I wanted to get drunk. Peter lost his parents, I know that. But calling me dad? That kid... He's looking up to me. And I've been a terrible role model! All of a sudden, I wanted to do more. I wanted to do things right. Pretty soon Peter forgot about ''Mr. Stark'' and started calling me, simply, dad.

-So, Peter calls you dad?- asked Thor one day while training newbies with me.

-Yeah.- I said and smiled.

-Just him or?

-Just Peter.

-That kid, his kind heart can change anyone. Did you see him yesterday with Loki? He turned my mischievous brother into a well-trained puppy.- Thor laughed loudly.

-Slow it down, Thunder Boy. We don't want any earthquakes because of your insane laugh. But yeah, you're right. Peter is amazing. And I'm glad he calls me dad.- I said and run to help one of the new kids with heavy equipment. And, of course, Peter was already there. Helping, he said. More like, making thing a thousand times worse, but okay.

Later that day I decided to grab some snacks and go to the roof to watch the sunset. These days I've been busy all the time and I wanted some time for myself. So I stayed on the roof even after the sunset. I watched the stars showing up one by one until the sky was full of them.

-Friday, turn off the lights. All of them.- I said.

-Yes, sir. – she answered.

The moment lights went off, my eyes saw the most beautiful thing you can see from Earth. Billions of stars shining and in the middle of that stunning chaos, there was Milky Way. I lifted my arm and pointed my finger towards Milky Way like I could touch its purple clouds.

-Tony why did you turn off... Whoa, this is beautiful!- I heard a surprised voice behind me.

-I know.- I said quietly.

It was Steve. 

The most beautiful thing *Tony x Steve*Where stories live. Discover now