Just an obstacle

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I left the room. I went down to the lab. Work, that's what I need right now. And alcohol.

I took a bottle of whiskey from the fridge, and glass from one of the messy tables. I started upgrading Peter's suite. And drinking. More like, I started drinking heavily and occasionally doing something to Peter's suite. It took me a few hours and I passed out. When I woke up, I just did the same thing. This time with my suite.

-Sir, Vision told you that Steve and Bucky are here.- said Friday.

-Don't care, honey. Put me on lockdown.- I mumbled and did my best to focus on my suit.

-Yes, sir.- she said and I could hear things getting locked.

-Good.- I said to myself.

After a few minutes I passed out again.

And I had that dream. Again. Steve, beating the shit out of me. Destroying my arc reactor. Leaving.

I was so worried. I couldn't sleep for months. What if he never comes back? I was so scared and sad. Basically, destroyed completely.

He didn't talk to me. Steve always shared his problems with me. But not this time. This time, he fucked me up and left with his war buddy. They were saving some soldiers. Soldiers that SHIELD wanted dead because their brains were dead and they were too dangerous. But no, great Steve Rogers, great Captain America has to save everyone.

As I was fighting him, my body was trembling in fear for the first time in my life. There were two reasons for that.

First. If he goes there, he'll probably die. Those soldiers are deadly. That's why SHIELD wanted to simply blow them up.

Second. The way that Steve looks at me. Like I'm not even human. Like, I'm just an obstacle, an irrelevant person. Just one more thing he needs to remove.

I wonder, would he look at me like that if he knew that I was in love with him?

I woke up, desperately trying to breathe.

-Sir, others are trying to break into the lab.- said Friday.

-Wait, what? How? Show me security cameras.- I said. 

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