Special snowflake

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I could see some of the Avengers standing in front of my lab. Thor used his hammer and tried to get in. But my doors were stronger. For now. If he keeps doing that...

-Why are they doing this, Friday?- I asked, completely confused.

-You were locked for three days, sir. Based on their faces they are worried.- Friday answered.

-Friday, open the door.- I sad and nervously scratched my head.

Bunch of people entered my lab. Actually, they were just preparing to hit my door all at once but doors opened on their own so those guys jumped into my lab like a bunch of lunatics.

He was with them. Hah, he pretended like he cares! Cute.

-What are you doing?- I asked. –Do you know that that door cost more than your kidneys? Like, all of your kidneys, together.

-What the hell, Tony? What happened to you?- asked Nat.

-Nothing, I was working.- I answered and grabbed my bottle. I need a drink.

-I checked the security cameras. You passed out like three times, because of alcohol!- Nat started yelling.

-You saw? How?- I was confused.

-Friday.- said Clint.

-Friday, darling, who am I?- I asked dramatically.

-You are my God, sir.- she answered in her usual manner.

-Well if I am, can you please start behaving like that?- I took a sip of alcohol.

-Of course, sir.- she answered.

-Okay, that's solved. Now, do you guys need something or?- I asked looking at them.

-We need you to eat.- said Nat.

-Okay, I can do that.- I shrugged and turned away.

-Upstairs. With us.- said Nat. I didn't have to turn around to know that she is getting angry and that her hands are on her hips.

-No can do. Have a lot of work.- I shook my hand.

-Tony, I'll tie you and take you upstairs.- Nat said. Okay, she is really angry now. And I'm getting hungry.

-Okay. Okay. I'm coming.- I put my hands in the air like I'm surrendering.

-Hey, Tony.- said Steve as I was walking past him.

I just kept walking. He started running.

-Tony, I just want to say I'm really sorry about...- he started. Well, it looks like he's worried. Too late, Steve. Too late.

-I can hear voices now.- I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

-Tony, come on.- he put his hand on my shoulder.

-Okay, you know what, go fuck yourself. Understand, special snowflake? Leave me alone!- I yelled and turned around. Don't cry, Tony. Don't you ever cry in front of that man again.

As I was turning around I could see faces of others. They were surprised. Sure, everyone was kinda angry when Steve left like that. But they were more confused and worried than angry. The difference is, they were worried as friends. I was worried as... Nothing. You are nothing to him. So keep walking, Tony. 

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