Condition Terminal Part 1

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I walked down a bare hallway. Everything was white, so white it hurt my eyes. It was uncomfortably quiet, like I was the only person in the world awake. In fact, it seemed like I was the only thing in the world even breathing.

It was so quiet that my footsteps sounded like drum beats as the sound echoed off the walls.

"Hello?" I said, not even sure what I was expecting. The sound had been louder than I expected. I fell to my knees, slapping my hands over my ears to protect them from the amplified volume. When the echoes stopped, I pulled my hands away only to see they were covered in the blood from my ears. But I couldn't scream or cry because that would only make it worse.

Instead, I stood, panting quietly, and continued walking down the hall. Behind me, I heard a metallic clicking. I whizzed around and the sound stopped. There was nothing behind me but wall two feet away. But I knew I had walked at least ten feet. I touched the wall, and it was solid.

There was someone holding me, touching me, and I knew it was the same thing that had killed Tracy coming back for me. I didn't want to die at their hands, so I screamed as loud as I could, tears streaming down my cheeks as I struggled in the hands of them. Terror ate at my chest like acid, but then a loud familiar voice ripped through my head.

"Y/N! Y/N, it's me! It's me," Stiles yelled, sounding closer and closer the more he talked. I realized my eyes were still closed, so I forced them open, despite what I feared might be staring back at me. My screams died to whimpers as I saw my friends looking down at me with worry. Scott, Malia, Sheriff, Deaton, they all were concerned. I was still on the floor, but I was in Stiles' lap, curled into a protected ball as he held me tightly, whispering to me that it was okay.

My mouth moved on autopilot, tears still flowing like rivers. "I can't fight them. I can't fight them. I can't fight them." I repeated it on a loop, my body quaking violently.

"Who, Y/N? Who can't you fight?" Stiles asked.

"I can't fight them!" I cried pushing him away from me. He didn't allow me to do it, keeping me tight against him like a little bird. I was glad for it because, right now, I needed the comfort. I don't think I'd cried this hard since my parents died, and certainly not in front of this many people. But the acid was still pouring through my chest and I didn't give a damn what people saw.

I calmed down rather quickly once I focused on the sound of Stiles' heart beat against my ear, and I slowly came back to myself. Once my pants had calmed to shaky breaths and incoherent mumbling, Stiles said, "What happened, Y/N?" Deaton, Scott and Malia busied themselves with checking Tracy as I turned my face to look at her dead body.

"I don't know what they are. I've never seen anything like them before. There were two of them, or maybe there were three... Th-they had masks. I tried to stop them, I tried, but they-." My words turned into one giant word by the end as my heart rate picked up again.

"Woah, hey, calm down. You're okay, they're gone," Stiles cooed, hugging me tightly under his chin again.

I sniffled, blinking away the fresh tears. They dripped onto my cheeks and Stiles wiped them away. "They had... They had a weapon, I think. They were so strong, and I-." I sat up, looking seriously into Stiles' eyes. "I tried to save her." Stiles watched my eyes for signs of a lie, but he saw none, and drew my head back to his chest.

"I know you did. I know," Stiles said, calming me still. "Can you stand?" I nodded, slowly getting to my feet, and Stiles did the same.

"Okay, she's not changing back," Deaton said worriedly. "We're gunna need to get her out of here."

Series Rewrite (A Teen Wolf Fanfiction)  ContinuedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant