Werewolves of London Pt 1

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  Scott and I sat side by side in the waiting room, listening and waiting for something to happen. I was caked in dried blood that cracked with every move I made, but I didn't really care about that. It had earned me and continued to earn me confused and scared looks from everyone in the hospital. They probably thought I killed someone, little did they know it was someone on their side who'd done the damage. Inadvertently, it could be blamed on us. We were the ones they were trying to hurt, but it pained me to think that all of this could be our fault. Our hands were clasped together tightly. It was our only way to be there for each other since we weren't speaking. We were catatonic with worry. It felt like I'd only blinked five times in the last hour. I listened to Melissa's surgery. It was like being addicted to a drug you always had a bad trip on. I didn't want to hear what was happening in there because it only sounded bad.

From Melissa's OR, Dr. Geyer said, "I think she's coagulopathic. I need another suture." The sound of a scalpel slicing through her skin made me wince.

"We can't keep listening to it," I said. My voice was croaky from all the screaming and crying I'd done.

"I can't stop."

"Me either." I had already been to see Stiles, but he needed to sleep so I joined Scott. It had been an embarrassing amount of tears from me when Stiles finally woke up, but he was able to console me despite how weak and tired he was. "Stiles is okay." Scott nodded. I could tell he wanted to be relieved, but he had too much worry that his mom wouldn't be. I knew how he felt. With Stiles' weight off my shoulders, Melissa's now felt twice as heavy. No matter how disgusting I found it, I couldn't stop listening to them slicing and digging through her skin.

"The bullet missed the ascending aorta. Brachiocephalic is intact." The squishy gush of the bullet being removed made me wince. Scott's hand tightened in mine, waiting for those simple words that would cure so much stress. My hand turned white with how hard we were gripping each other.

Malia came by, sitting down on the other side of Scott. She touched our hands, offering comfort, but neither of us even registered she was there. There was nothing but Melissa right now.

Finally, the doctor said, "Hemodynamics are stable. She's gunna be okay."

"Oh, god," I breathed thankfully, the unshed tears dripping down my cheeks. Scott turned towards me, bringing me into a tight hug. Everyone was okay. There had been no casualties, but it was too close for comfort. With being worried off my shoulders, I was livid. These people messed with my pack. It would be easy to tear off the limbs, but if you want to kill the beast, you go for the head. I wasn't going to get revenge. I was going to get retribution.

I held the back of Scott's head gently, feeling his tears drop onto my shirt. "Let's go see her," I said. Scott nodded, squeezed me gently, and got up. We walked down to her room where a nurse was pressing some fluid into her IV tube. Melissa was already awake. She was so pale and had dark bags under her eyes that made her eyes look sunken in. Her lips were a little cracked, but she was still Melissa.

I couldn't keep from crying when I looked at her, and I figured by now, I'd have cried enough to raise the ocean one inch. She smiled at us, and as the nurse passed she said, "You have about a minute before the sedative kicks in. Let her rest." She closed the door behind her and I wiped away tears as I stepped closer to Melissa. Scott was to my left, standing near the head of the bed.

"Hey, kids," Melissa chuckled, her smile bring a joy to my heavy heart that made me cry harder. She frowned apologetically at me. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm just happy you're okay," I whispered. She smiled again, her eyes heavy.

"We're just gunna wait outside, okay?" Scott said when he saw her eyes droop.

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