Riders on the Storm Pt 1

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"Stiles? Is that you?" I asked. He shifted, and I could see him clearer. He was pushing through, and the further he pushed, the more I could see him. He was beautiful. "Keep going! Come on, Stiles! I can see you. Hurry!"

The light faded away taking Stiles with it, and I felt my heart drop into my feet. He wasn't here. I didn't save him.

"Y/N?" Scott said from behind me.

"No. N-No, he was here. I-I saw him. You did, too." I turned around to see all of them giving me looks like they thought I was crazy. "Didn't you?"

"We didn't see anyone," Malia said apologetically, her hair shaking around her head. I looked at Scott and Lydia and they shook their heads at me, too.

"He was here. I feel it." I wasn't going to let their denial stop me. I was so close to touching him, so there was no way in hell that it didn't happen. Even if they didn't see it, I did, and I believed it.

With a sigh, Scott and Lydia came to either side of me, guiding me back into the room like I needed to be in Eichen House. Scott started to shut the door, but Liam pulled it back open. I turned and smiled at him.

"There's something you need to see," Liam said.

"You're still here." Scott sighed with relief.

"But everyone else is gone. All of them, they're all gone. Look, you have to come with me."

The sheer amount of panic in his body made me detach from Lydia's touch. "What is it?"

"I can't explain it. I have to show you."

Scott gave a speech to Lydia and Malia about staying here, and he tried to get me to stay, too. No way in hell was that happening. I felt Stiles, but he wasn't here. There was nothing I could do right now besides help Liam. I gave Scott a look before he moved out of my way so I could walk out the door to follow Liam.

With one last word of warning, Scott shut the door. Scott and I easily kept up with Liam, all of running through the empty town. I guess I hadn't focused on it before, but seeing this town deserted was freaky.

Liam led us to the hospital. Now, I probably would've been more surprised by what we found in there if it hadn't been for the fact that it not only ran through the entire building but out both sides as well. I'd had to jump just to avoid tripping over the new large train tracks courtesy of the Hunt on the way in.

"This is happening everywhere?" I asked, staring at the track taking up the entire hallway. On the wall behind us, there was a newly placed arrivals board, and Beacon Hills was first on the list. I also noticed Canaan was on the list, and I wondered why Stiles picked that place out of all of them.

As we walked down it, Liam said, "Here, the school, the lacrosse field." The wood creaked under our weight.

"What does this mean?" Scott asked.

"It means," Douglas said, stepping into view on the other side of the tracks. He has a large, satisfactory smile on his lips. "It's working." His fangs sprang out as he roared at us, and we growled back. With three of us against him, I was sure he would lose, and I hoped that he would take that bet.

"He can't take all three of us?" Liam asked.

"Hell no." I smirked, knowing that Douglas would hear me. "It's too bad you're a bad guy. I hate ruining faces of attractive men."

With his own smirk, Douglas called, "Hollenhund!" My smirk fell at the sound of Parrish's growl from behind us. I turned to see Parrish rolling his muscles around as he loosened up to kill us.

Series Rewrite (A Teen Wolf Fanfiction)  ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now