Radio Silence Pt 1

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  -Stiles' POV-

I waited on the bench of the train station next to a doctor, who was waiting, too. It didn't strike me as odd until I realized I had no idea what we were all waiting for. The sign with all the stops hadn't moved or changed in the whole time I'd been here, and there was a sign on the ticket booth that said, "Be back in five minutes". That sign had been there for hours.

The woman next to me looked catatonic, and, glancing around the massive room, the tons of other people sitting in the benches like me were unresponsive, too. I recognized some of these people, but not many. I moved and Roscoe's keys jingled in my hand. I didn't drive here, did I?

"Excuse me," I whispered to the woman next to me. She looked at me silently. "Sorry, where are we?"

She made a face like I was a moron. "We're at the train station."

"Right. Okay, helpful. Which train station, exactly?"

She gestured to the large letter above the arrival list. "Train station number 137." She was done talking to me and made that clear by settling back in her seat and staring forward again. Were people always this helpful?

I sighed, still looking around. Something didn't feel right. I didn't remember ever seeing this station before, so why was I here? Where was Y/N? If I was going to go somewhere new, I'd take her with me so we could see it together.

"Did you see me come in?" I asked the woman again, ignoring the fact that she didn't want to talk.

"No." She gave me a polite smile that secretly told me to fuck off.

"How long have you been here?"

"Maybe an hour?"

From the other side of her, there was a middle-aged man reading the newspaper, but it looked pretty old to me. "We got here at the same time. It's been at least six hours."

"Six hours?" I blurted. How could one person think they were here for an hour and another for six? Even someone with the worst time management skills could tell that difference. "Where are you going?"

They both went quiet, thinking about their answer, and I frowned. They looked confused, so not only did they not know how long they'd been here, but they didn't know why either. What kind of train station was this?

The doctor started to feel around in her pocket, mumbling about having a ticket. She was still wearing her scrubs, which was strange. "You always travel in your work clothes?" I asked.

Her expression told me she didn't even realize what she was wearing. "I must've been in a rush."

A rush just to wait here for six hours? I didn't think so. I stood, walking to the ticket booth. It was weird that not only was everyone trance-like, but since I'd been here, I hadn't seen anyone stand or even so much as stretch.

I looked at the back in five sign before looking down at the counter. It was covered in a layer of dust an inch thick. I ran my fingers through it, wondering why there would be dust if this place had been used regularly.

"Do you know if anyone works here?" I asked to no one in particular.

The feedback sound of a PA system turning on answered for me. "The following stops have been canceled." At this point, everyone moved, turning their heads in unison to look at the speakers by the ceiling. "Hollatine, Batten, Bay Burry..." As the list went on, everyone in the station stood and walked like zombies.

"Excuse me, where are all those trains going?" I asked a man walking past me. He ignored me like I wasn't there, and they all swarmed to the large tunnel. As a woman in nurse scrubs passed me, I asked her the same question, but again, I was ignored, and I was starting to get worried.

Series Rewrite (A Teen Wolf Fanfiction)  ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now