A Credible Threat Part 1

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Stiles and I waited in the jeep, Liam and Scott in the back, for Argent's message. We would be tracking Parrish to find out what he's doing in the middle of the night. He's keeps waking up, but not as himself, and he never remembers. So I guess we needed to find out for him.

Scott checked his buzzing phone and said, "He's headed to the school." Stiles started the jeep, putting his arm around my seat as he looked back in order to reverse out of a parking spot.

Once we were driving forwards again, Liam leaned between our seats asking, "Why is Parrish heading for the school?" His eyes fell on me, waiting for an answer that I didn't know if I could give him.

"It's not really Parrish right now." I shrugged, hoping we weren't about to get ourselves into something stupid. What was I thinking? Of course we were.

"Okay, well, why is a hellhound going to the school?" Liam corrected.

"Because he's got a yearning for higher education," Stiles quipped. I bit my lips between my teeth to keep from smiling too hard.

"The Hellhound is at the school, so we're going to the school," I said. "We'll find out what it wants soon." I smiled at Liam lightly and he sighed, plopping back into his seat. As he did so, I turned my eyes to Stiles while he shifted gears to go faster, and I couldn't help but smile at his profile.

Before I could get caught staring, I looked back at the road, putting on my game face. I must not have been that subtle because Stiles' hand slid into mine gently, a small smile on his face that made my cheeks turn pink. His hand stayed there all the way to the school.

Stiles parked at the curb and the four of us huddled out of the jeep. Stiles rounded the front to stand beside me as I looked up at the front of the school. Scott was on my other side, Liam being the last one out. We flinched as he slammed the door loudly and we looked back at him, me with pursed lips. Liam stared at us with wide eyes, rubbing the back of his head dumbly.

"Sorry," he muttered. Stiles' mouth hung open, turning his eyes to me like he was blaming me for Liam. I rolled my eyes and him and started to walk towards the building.

Argent met us halfway, his gun at his side, and he was dressed in all black. He looked like he could be an agent or an assassin of some sort.

"Where's Parrish?" Scott asked.

"I lost him. He's moving too fast."

"Scott," Liam said. I turned to see what he was looking at, and there was a body lying on the ground. "That guy's not moving."

Scott was the first to start walking towards it, prompting the rest of us to follow. Stiles and Liam stayed behind Scott, Argent, and I because I made sure of it. I could almost taste the blood from the guy and I could hear no heartbeat.

When we were closer, I could see him better. Well, what seemed to be left of him. His chest was slashed up so bad he almost looked like a pile of spaghetti. His intestines pooled at his side, snaking out from under his shirt. There was a large dark pool of red blood beneath the guy, but I didn't recognize him at all. But if I had to guess, I'd say he wasn't coming back.

I sighed sadly and stepped over him, continuing onto the school where we would hopefully find Parrish. And maybe the murderer. On the way, we ran into another body near the buses. Liam tapped my arm and pointed at a bus. Only then did I notice the back door of it was open wide. Inside was a blood bath. Bodies were strewn across the seats and I was sure none of them were alive.

"Jesus Christ," I muttered. One of the boys near the back on the floor lifted his bloodied face, reaching an arm out to us.

"Help me," he forced out. I started to walk to him, Scott by my side, but Parrish's growling voice stopped us.

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