Werewolves of London Pt 3

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   Peter was a bust, not that it was unexpected. Peter was always going to help himself, but on the bright side, Malia said there was another pack of werewolves that might help and she knew where they lived. The only issue was they were barely human according to her stories. They gave it all up, the rules, the morality, even basic things like electricity they've left behind. They were called the Primal, a very fitting name. I'd heard the name before but hearing the reasoning behind the name made me cautious. Sure, this was a war, but these people reminded me of Peter when he was an alpha. Despite that worry, they would be a great asset to us. They'll kill anything that crosses their path and we were desperate.

So desperate that we walked straight into their den in the middle of the night with nothing but each other and flashlights. It reminded me of the large cages they put lions in at the zoo, only there was no one in them. This place was completely abandoned. As I was wondering why, a wave of panic hit me like I'd passed through a wall. It was fear so strong that it made me want to run and hide under a bed or in the arms of someone I loved.

"Woah. What is wrong with this place?" Malia said, inhaling sharply. I swallowed back my fear, forcing myself not to feel it. I'd gone years without being afraid of something, I could do it again. I still felt the pustules of fear threatening to pop, but I inwardly repeated my mantra, keeping myself grounded.

Malia stopped, leaning against a fence like she was going to be sick while Scott looked down at his shaking hands. "I feel it, too."

I spared them a glance. "I'm guessing the Anuk-Ite paid this place a visit. Come on, guys. We have to keep going." I was surprised to hear my voice shaking. I saw Malia breathing heavily, reminding me of the times when Stiles would have panic attacks. I quickly ran over to her, putting my arms on her shoulders. "Hey, take a deep breath. Your fear doesn't control you." Her wide eyes found mine and she turned to run, but I grabbed her hand, keeping her here with me.

"We came for the pack," Scott said. Malia nodded hesitantly, and I switched our hands to a more comfortable position, holding her by my side. Scott was on my other side, all of us walking towards the entrance of the building.

It wasn't a door so much as a piece of ripped, white, transparent cloth draped over the entry. Inside was a large bare bed to the right and not really much else. A dresser, some small tables, and a couch. It smelled faintly of urine that I assumed came from some designated bathroom area outside. There was another smell. Dead bodies.

I walked towards the stench and stuck my head inside the small room that could have been considered a closet. To the right was a pile of bodies. All of them had blood drained from their eyeless sockets. It looked like someone had taken a key and dug out their eyeballs. Their lips has the same jagged pattern as the eyes. I wasn't sure what caused this since it looked like they were killed by something instead of each other, but it was obvious it had something to do with the Anuk-Ite.

My heart raced as I leaned in to get a closer look, and my phone chimed loudly. I screamed and jumped backwards into Scott, letting my fear get the best of me. Malia was already running towards the door.

"Malia! It's okay, it was just my phone," I told her, gathering my bearings. She looked back guiltily as I pulled my phone out of my pocket, mentally cursing the sender of the message. "It's from Liam. They found who the Anuk-Ite is."

"Who is it?" Scott asked.

I frowned at the name and looked up at him with a shrug. "Someone named Aaron." Malia, who was now back at our sides, shrugged to say she also didn't know who that was. Behind Scott, something clanged loudly and Malia stiffened.

"What was that?" She was ready to run again and I shone my light towards the sound. Lydia was standing by the entrance, quaking and staring at the floor with wide eyes. She was in nothing but a hospital gown.

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