Riders on the Storm Pt 3

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I trialed my fingertips in figure-eights on Stiles' chest hair, my head on his bare chest as I listened to his heart beat. His hand rubbed my naked back soothingly, sending tingles throughout my entire body. His heart was still a little fast from the sex not ten minutes ago and he smelled like pure Stiles, making me smile against him.

To stop it, I peppered little kisses along his chest, making sure to place strategic ones near his nipple that was still sensitive. "I missed this. I missed you." I looked up at him through my lashes, watching him smile at me.

"Not as much as I missed you."

I didn't argue with him because he could think what he wanted. I knew that I missed him more and there was no use arguing about it. Stiles had his free hand under the back of his head, and I could see almost three little chins on his neck as he angled his head down to look at me. The sight made me smile and I placed my head back down, my ear against his skin. He resumed rubbing my back and I felt more relaxed than I had in three months.

"You know what else we missed?" I said suddenly, the sad thought popping into my head.





"That's not at all what I expected you to say."

I sat up quickly, pulling the sheet up with me to cover my body. "Well, senior prom is kind of a mile stone, isn't it? But because of the stupid Hunt, we don't get one. And nobody even knows why! I mean we graduate in a week and there was never a prom. You know? Just once in my life, I'd like a reason to dress up and feel beautiful and dance with the love of my life."

"You're always beautiful, babygirl," he said. "And you can dance for me. How about right now?"

"Ugh! Stiles, you know what I mean. I just...want to feel like a normal teenage girl for one night." I frowned and stared down at his chest while I thought, his mouth remaining closed since he didn't really know what to say to me. Then a crazy idea jolted into my mind. I wasn't sure how I was going to pull it off, but I would do it like my life depended on it.

I jumped up from his bed, keeping the sheet wrapped around my body (which left him naked in the bed on full display) as I dove into his desk chair, pulling open his laptop. Stiles groaned when the bright light illuminated the room. "Babe, what are you doing?"

"I'm planning a prom." My fingers clacked along the keyboard rapidly as I tried searching through all my ideas at once.

"Like a small one for friends?"

"No. A prom for the senior class."

"Seriously?" Stiles groaned. I peeked over my shoulder at him to see him flat on his back, his eyes rolling up to the ceiling in annoyance. I may or may not have stared for a moment to take in his beautiful body. By the time he got up to stand behind me, I was already typing out venue ideas. If I made the tickets $60 dollars, I could probably afford a good place. "Can't you do this another time?"

"I'm thinking the day before you leave for GWU. What do you think?"

"That's fine. But do you have to work on that now? Come back to bed with me."

My eyes jerked over the bright screen, as I searched up catering places. I would find three options for everything tonight then narrow it down to one tomorrow.

"Hello? Baby? Y/N?" Stiles waved his hand in front of my face, and it obstructed my view, so I smacked his hand out of the way without missing a beat. Stiles clearly didn't like being ignored because he groaned loudly. "Are you seriously going to work on that all night?"

Series Rewrite (A Teen Wolf Fanfiction)  ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now