Ghosted Pt 2

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I spared the carousel a thought as I passed it, heading for a table at the far end of the party. It was filled with small trinkets and toys. There was an old-fashioned Spiderman action figure from 1987 that I picked up, smiling at it as the thought of Logan swirled through my mind. He loved Spiderman.

The carousel behind me groaned like it had tried to turn, and I met back up with the others, the four of us walking towards it slowly. The toy was still clutched in my fist.

On one of the horses, there was blood covering it. It was pretty gruesome, and it made me wonder what exactly caused this place to become a ghost town. Scott stepped onto it, nearly falling backwards as it jolted into movement, spinning loudly. The awful circus music started to play, only adding to how little I wanted to be here.

I hummed in distaste and walked away, sauntering through the rest of the place in hopes that it might give me some clues. From the corner of my eye, I saw a body rush through the tables on my right. I looked up, but there was nobody there.

"Scott?" I called. When I received no answer, I glanced around to find that I couldn't see any of them from where I stood. Frowning, I walked in the direction I saw the person. Maybe not everyone was dead and we could get some answers.

I walked into the street, looking both ways. "Hello? Anybody there?" No response came, as expected. "I saw you. I'm not gunna hurt you. I just wanted to ask some questions that maybe you have the answers to. Hell-." I stopped dead in my tracks after turning around.

Logan stood in the middle of the street. He was in his Spiderman pjs and drenched in blood, most of it coming from his neck. He wasn't actually bleeding, though, as if it was prop blood. His face was stoic, not showing any of the fear or pain he'd actually felt in the moment.

"Logan?" I whispered, my heart clenching painfully in my chest.

He was completely still and silent, but in my head, I heard his voice say, "You did this to me, Y/N. Why did you hurt me?"

I shook my head, the water quickly filling my eyes jostling lightly. "I didn't-..." His stare felt like it had some kind of power over me, making me drop to my knees. "I-I didn't-..." Logan took one step to me but remained 3 feet away. I looked him over, taking in the sight of his mangled body, and an overwhelming sense of sadness overtook me. I hung my head, sinking back until I was sitting on my heels. "I did... I'm sorry, Logan. I'm so sorry." The tears leaked onto my cheeks as I covered my face with my hands, feeling ashamed for what I'd done when I was 13.

I felt his hand touch my shoulder, as real as anything, and I looked at him. The blood was draining freely now, creating a pool of deep red around us. I couldn't care less about the fact that it was staining my jeans because I could finally touch him again. Somehow, this felt like forgiveness. With his forgiveness unloading a burden I'd carried for years, I felt like I could begin to forgive myself.

"Come home with me, Y/N," Logan said, his voice as sweet as I remembered. "You don't have to be sad anymore. Just come with me and we can play all the time."

The tiny part in my brain registered how odd this entire thing felt, but my love for my brother yelled over it. The pool of his blood darkened underneath me, turning to a dense black as I nodded. "Okay. I'll go with you."

He closed the space between us, wrapping his tiny arms around me as I wept into his shoulder. The longer I cried, the further down I sunk into the dark pool his blood had created. I could feel myself slipping from reality. Another larger warmer hand found my shoulder and suddenly everything was gone. Logan, his blood, his touch, all of it. I opened my eyes slowly to see myself hugging air, and I let my arms drop, staring at the empty space he'd been as I tried to stop my tears.

Series Rewrite (A Teen Wolf Fanfiction)  ContinuedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora