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"Please tell me I'm not wearing a Toga," you beg, following Jane to the seamstress.

Jane rolls her eyes, "that's Greek gods, they're Norse gods."

Thor, who came along to translate, was shook. "People just don't worship us anymore."

You approached a door with 'ᛏᚨᛁᛚᛟᚱ' etched in gold. Thor greeted the woman inside.

You are dragged in and put on an stool. The woman hurries around you, taking measurements and speaking in a language you didn't understand.

Jane seated herself across from you and pulled out a thick book. You sighed out of boredom and slouched. The woman 'tsked' and fixed your posture.

This would be a long fitting.


After hours of standing, you were finally done. The dress was white and gold, traditional wedding colors. It flowed off your curves beautifully. You spun around, gaping at how amazing you looked. You felt like a Queen. Sadly you had to get back into your normal attire since it was lunch time.

You played with your skirt sadly, it felt like rags compared to the dress you were going to wear to the wedding. Your sundress was comfortable however, and you weren't afraid of getting it dirty.

Lunch was quite filling. There was a lot of food to chose from, but you stuck to bread and stew, unnerved by the mountain of meat.

Loki came in late, apologizing before stopping dead in his tracks. He blushed and threw his cloak over you. You glance at Jane in confusion.

"You're highly underdressed," Jane explained, gesturing to her modest attire.

"Oh," you say, wrapping the emerald cloak around your shoulders. You knew your dress was fine but for some reason you felt naked all of a sudden.

"How are you doing with your duties as King, brother?" Thor asks, beastly chewing his lamb thigh.

"Regretting taking the role," Loki sighs back, preparing himself a bowl of stew.

"You've only got a few hundred milena to go," Thor roars, laughing at his own terrible joke. Loki scoffed and dug into his meal. There was a whole table full of leftovers which Loki ordered to be taken to the streets for the homeless.

"I hope you two are settling in," Loki asks you and Jane.

Jane was too busy starting into Thor's eyes to hear the question.

You laugh. "I'm doing fantastic, this place is amazing!"

You stop by your room after lunch to get a sweater before joining everyone in the throne room. The others sat on the floor around some kind of wooden board game.

"(Y/n)! Come play Hnefatafle with us!" Thor shouts once he saw you in the door way.

You sit down next to Loki and wait for instructions.

"We'll teach you how to play, you can be on Loki's team until you learn," Thor explains.

"It's like chess but harder," Jane says from her spot in Thor's lap.

"On our side, we have to get the King to any of the four corners," Loki says pointing to a carved figure with a crown. "Thor and Jane will be trying to attack us but if we do this right we'll win."

Jane scoffs, crossing her arms. "You're going to win. He's so freaking good at this."

Loki smirks deviously. "I have been playing since I was one hundred and eight years old."

"And you're a puzzle genius, just like Mother," Thor adds.

Loki's smile falters. "Yes."

You start the game, Loki whispering instructions in your ear. You moved the pieces wherever he told you to put them. Even with constant instruction, you had no idea what was going on.

"Move it forward bone space and we win," Loki says, smirking into your ear.

You finish the winning move, Jane tossing the board aside in frustration.

"I'm a scientist! I have studied and discovered many things and I still can find his strategy!" Jane huffs.

Thor laughed joyously. "You'll get used to it Dear, he always wins."

It was later in the day, everyone going to do their own thing, so you decided to explore this garden you've heard so much about.

It was a huge maze of flowers. Flowers of every color all around you.

You lost track of time, sniffing the alien plants, enjoying the scenery.

It was getting dark and you were totally not lost.

"Did I turn left or right here?" You wonder at an intersection of the maze.

Yep. You were lost.

You plop down in the ground, fishing out your phone, face-palming when you realize that there's no signal.

You figured someone would come looking for you eventually so you pulled your book out of your purse and got to reading.

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