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A/n: I used to play violin...

"There are four strings on a violin," Loki explains, passing you the instrument. "G, D, A and E."

"Rest it under your chin," Loki commands softly.

"Like this?" You ask, totally lost.

Loki chuckled. "More like this," he says, adjusting the violin.

You try not to blush when his fingers brush your cheek.

"Here's the bow, you're going to move it like this," Loki explains, gently guiding your hand.

The violin lets out a long, sharp note.

"That was an E," he says quietly. "try to play each string."

You drag the horse hair across the strings, cringing when the note wasn't as smooth as Loki's.

"Put your pointer finger here and try it," look says, pointing to a spot on the bridge.

You press your finger down on the thin wire, hissing at the pain.

"It'll hurt the first time," Loki explains.

You pull the bow down on the string, a high squeal emerging from the instrument.

"That was an E sharp," Loki said, nodding in approval.

"I'm going to teach you how to play a really old song, it's tradition," Look says with a wink.


You found yourself performing what you had learned so far in the throne room.

The notes came out uneven and sloppy since you were only learning.

Thor, Jane and Loki politely clapped for you as you bowed awkwardly.

"If you practice you could perform at the wedding!" Jane squeals.

"I think that's a great idea," Loki says, placing a hand on your shoulder warmly.

"So I guess we're doing this," you mumble, overwhelmed with the new responsibility.


'There's only close friends and family coming, right?' you thought. 'There won't be too many people."

It was a while before breakfast and you were heading to Loki's room for your next lesson.

You stopped at a door with 'ᛚᛟᚲᛁ' carved on it. You took a deep breath and wearily knocked.

You heard shuffling from inside, the door opened to reveal a disheveled, shirtless, tired looking King.

"(y/n)?" He asks between yawns. "What are you doing here?"

"It's, uh, time for our lesson," you mutter, trying not to stare at his perfectly sculpted body.

Loki's eyes widened in recognition. "I had completely forgotten, I'm so sorry, come in."

You follow the half-naked good into an immaculate room. Emerald green and gold everywhere on everything.

Loki sat on his bed, pulling a tunic over his bare chest before summoning a violin with his magic.

You tried to focus on your lesson but you were just too distracted. Soon it was time for breakfast and you both headed down to the dining room.

"Morning (n/n)," Jane says sleepily from Thor's lap.

You smile and wish her a good morning as well.

"How'd your lesson go?" Thor asks, resting his chin on Jane's head.

You blushed, remembering Loki's toned body. "I was a little distracted."

"You have two weeks, I know you'll be a professional by the wedding," Jane says, Thor nodding in agreement.


The days went by quickly, getting closer and closer to the wedding. Your lessons with Loki became warmer, you leaning to his side, him brushing your cheek.

You couldn't say it out loud, but you were in love.

Loki offered to take you through the gardens, this time making sure you wouldn't get lost.

"What is that flower?" You ask, pointing to an elaborate, gold plant.

"That is an Asgard Lilly," he says, gently picking the flower.

He brushed your (h/c) hair back and tucked it behind your ear.

"You look beautiful," he murmurs.

You look up in his eyes, afraid of what comes next.

Loki leaned down, gently kissing you on the lips.

"I-I think I'm in love with you," Loki whispered after a long moment.

You wrap your arms around him, smiling. "I think I love you too."

You leaned in and kissed him again.

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