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You woke up in the middle of the day, unaware someone was watching. You stretch with closed eyes, letting out some ungodly noise and open your eyes to see a huge, armour clad man at the foot of your bed. You screech in terror, throwing a pillow at the man.

"My lady-" the man stammers, dodging another one of your many pillows.

"My lady, fear not! I was sent by the King!" The man screams.

You stop and stare, "The King sent you?"

"Yes my lady, I am Volstagg of the Warriors Three. His Majesty called on me to guard you from harm," the man says, bowing his head.

"Oh, well, um, Hello Mister Volstagg," you sputtered. Why did Loki send a man to guard you?

A few akward moments passed before you asked Volstagg to leave.

"I am under strict orders to protect the friend of Lady Jane," Volstagg claims.

"That's fantastic, I want to take a bath and I'd rather not get naked in front of you, so could you please leave?" You ask impatiently.

Volstagg nods, ducking his head in embarrassment.

You sigh as you peeled off your clothes from yesterday, tossing them in a pile on the ground. You entered the adjoining bathroom to see a giant pool of water. You poke your toe in the bath to find it was actually quite warm. You let out a sigh of pleasure as you sank into the pool.

You stayed in the water long after your fingers shriveled like raisins, enjoying the quiet. Once you claimed out, you dried yourself with a plush towel and got dressed in simple, modest attire. You went out to find everyone, to apologize for last night once again.

"Why is your hair wet? You could get sick!" You heard a familiar voice chastise.

You turn to see Loki and you shake your head. "Why was there a man in my room this morning?"

Loki blushed. "Well, um, I was worried about you. I didn't want you to get lost or hurt."

"How would I get lost sleeping?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.

Loki looks down at you with a sheepish smile. "Good point."

You shook your head, laughing.

"You really should dry off," Loki says once again.

"Well the towels are in my room and I'm too lazy to go back, I'll just air dry," you shrug.

Loki snaps his fingers, a towel appearing in his hand.

You double back in shock. "How did you do that?"

"Puzzles weren't the only thing mother taught me," Look says, waving it off.

You take the towel and pat your hair dry as you followed Loki into the throne room.

"Hey (n/n)! How are you feeling?" Jane greets, getting up to meet you.

"I feel fine, stop worrying!" You tease, hugging your best friend.

"Today we were thinking of showing you girls around," Thor says, getting up from his seat.

"Like, around Asgard?" You ask, genuinely excited.

Thor laughs,"yes of course, besides Jane's tour was cut short last time."

You bounced on excitement, how could you not be excited to have a tour of a whole other realm?

You and Jane we're given more traditional clothing so you'd fit in. You fingered the soft, drape like skirt, curious as to how a woman could wear this all day.

You are taken out to the stables, where Thor turns to you, "can you ride a horse?"

You laughed, "No, obviously not."

"She can ride with me," Loki says, leading large black stallion with six legs out of the stall. You tried not to gawk and just rolled with it.

"And Jane can ride with me!" Thor cheers. Jane laughed and hugged onto him.

Everyone mounted their horses, you and Loki on one the and Jane and Thor the other.

"You might want to hold on, Thor likes to go fast," Loki said quietly.

You sheepishly wrap your arms around his waist, blushing when you touched his defined muscles.

The horse took off, tearing after Jane and Thor.

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