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"Let's get our nails done!" Darcy squeals.

"No," you mutter. "We're going shopping."

"We can go shopping after nails c'mon don't be such a drag (y/n)!" Darcy yells, drawing attention to you guys.

You roll your eyes and following Darcy to the nail salon. You got your tips done, Darcy sporting a very bright red on her nails. Even Ian got his toes done, which he wasn't thrilled about.

Darcy gasps. "We should totally get our hair done too! We could go to that place by Build-a-Bear."

You reluctantly agree since she wouldn't take no for an answer. You came out looking like a queen, the styalist went all out.

"Darcee, why won't you let me pay?" You ask after she pulled out a credit card, swiping before you could even get yours out.

"It's our treat, right Ian?" She asks sweetly.

"Yeah, yeah. We just wanted to hang out with you," he says akwardly.

You were dragged from store to store, Ian carrying all your bags.

"I think that's enough for today," Ian declares after the eighth store.

"Why don't you change into that cute new dress and shoes?" Darcy suggested, eying her watch.

You shook your head. "No, I came shopping, I got my nails and hair done, I'm not changing out of my comfy pants."

"But-" she starts to say.

"No." You reply.

Ian and Darcy share another look.

"Okay, it's up to you,"she muttered.

You piled into the car, your bags filling the trunk.

"Hey could I stop somewhere? I've gotta drop off something," Darcy asks from the wheel.

"Whatever, I don't care," you mumble, sinking into the backseat of the car.

Darcy pulls into the flower conservatory and parks.

"What would you drop off here Darce?" You ask skeptically.

"Come it side, it'll take a while," she says, ignoring your question.

You follow Darcy inside, looking around at the flowers with a warm smile.

"(y/n)," A familiar voice calls.

You turn to see Loki. You run, engulfing him in a tight hug.

"Loki! What are you doing here!?" You ask, face buried in his chest.

"I came to see you," he says quietly, stroking your hair.

"I missed you so much," you whispered breathlessly, looking up him with teary eyes.

"I missed you too," he whispered back, kissing your forehead. "I missed you so much that I decided I wanted to be with you forever."

"What do you mean?" You ask, un-clinging yourself from him.

He akwardly got down on one knee.

You gasp, your eyes wide.

"Will you be my Queen (y/n)?" Loki asks, his eyes watering.

You nod, unable to speak. You leaped into his arms, sobbing.

"Yes! Yes yes! I love you!" You cry.

Loki held you close, kissing your lips.

After a long moment with your Fiancé, you turned to Darcy.

"You knew about this?" You ask.

"Should've worn the dress," the sings, walking over to give you a hug.

"Jane asked for my help, how could I say no?" She says.

"Is she here?" You ask, pulling away from your friend.

"I am," you hear Jane says from behind you.

You spun around, trapping your best friend in a hug. "Oh my god Jane! I-I'm getting married!" You stammer.

Jane laughs, "I know!"

You shook your head, hugging her again.

"Why are you wearing sweatpants? You look ridiculous!" Jane asks after a bit.

"I think she looks beautiful," Loki murmurs.

You blush, hugging him to hide your pink cheeks.

"Let's go home," he says, holding your chin.

You grin. "Let's."

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