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You peek through the door at the wedding, there was more than just a few family friends there...

"(n/n)!!!" Jane squeals, hugging you from behind.

You laugh and turn to grab her hands. "You look gorgeous, despite that your wearing a Toga," you joke.

Jane play-punches you. "They're not toga's here, besides you're wearing one too!"

"Yeah, but yours is prettier!" You whine, gazing at Jane's beautiful dress.

"It is my wedding," She says. "You're gorgeous too babe!"

You smile and hug her tight. "I love you!"

Someone cleared their throat, you look up to see Loki.

"You're wearing a suit," You say, turning to hug him.

Loki looks down at his outfit, "some earth customs and some Asgard customs."

"Well you look very handsome," you whisper quietly. Loki blushed, the flower girls were 'ooh-ing.'

"It's almost time," Jane whispers.

The wedding party lined up; the little Asgardian flower girls, Jane's nephew as the ring bearer, you and Loki locked arms and started you decent toward the alter.

You place yourself in the bride's side next to The flower girls and turn to see your best friend coming down the isle.

Thor was openly sobbing. You grin, you're best friend was marrying such a sweet guy- uh god.

The room silenced as Jane held hands with Thor.

Loki was officiating the wedding, taking a deep breath before launching into his monologue.

"Our friends from both Earth and Asgard alike, welcome to the union of a very unique couple. I remember when Thor brought Jane home, they were so obviously in love it radiated off them," Loki says, stirring a laugh from the crowd. "Jane and Thor have worked through the impossible, their love still strong. They are a stark example of what love should be and we could all learn from them."

Jane smiled, wiping the boogers from Thor's face.

"Jane do you take Thor to be your husband, forever and on until the stars stop shining?" Loki asks.

"I do," she says with a huge smile.

"And Thor, do you take Jane to be your wife, forever and on until the stars stop shining?" Loki asks, sending a smile of encouragement to his shaken brother.

Thor sniffled, with the biggest grin he said, "I do."

Loki turned to the alter, taking a knife. "To share your lives you must share your blood."

Jane cut her palm, hissing at the pain. Thor then cut his, pure gold pouring out. The couple placed their palms together, blood mixing. Jane's eyes glowed gold, she was a goddess now.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

The Asgardian side of the church roared, while the humans politely clapped, slightly scared of the aliens.

Jane turned to you, hugging you tightly.

"Congratulations!" You squeal, bouncing with her in excitement.

"I'm a goddess now!" She shouts in shock.

You laugh, "What does it fell like?"

"I don't know but my hand hurts like hell!" Jane says laughing with you.

Thor bear hugged his brother.

"I'm proud of you brother," Loki says, hugging Thor back.

Thor wiped his nose on his sleeve. "Perhaps you will be wed sometime soon?"

Loki and Thor looked over at you and Jane, smiling at your very loud, excited conversation.

"Perhaps," Loki whispered.

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