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You took a deep breath. You and Loki we're about to perform the song you worked so hard on. You make sure your violin is tuned, shakily testing the strings.

Loki pulled you to him. "You're going to do great."

You smile nervously at him. He kissed your forehead and you went out to the crowd.

"On your cue," Loki whispered.

You took another deep breath, starting your duet. Loki followed you on the piano, your melodies mixing together beautifully. Your song came out clean and clear, no mistakes or wrong notes. Loki looked up from the piano, sending you a wink one or two times

The song came to an end, the crowd clapping. You scurried over to Loki, giving him a tight hug.

"That was fantastic!" You cheer.

"You were fantastic," Loki murmurs.

You smile up at him, "let's go get some food!"


The night was drawing to an end, Asgardians heading home and earth folk lining up to leave and you'd be leaving with them.

You bag was already packed, and you were ready to go home.

"You'll visit right?" You ask Jane, hugging her one last time.

"Of course (n/n), I'd never forget you!" Jane says, wiping her stray tears.

You turn to Loki, unsure of what to say. "Thank you, for everything. I'm going to miss you your Highness."

Loki frowned. "I'll miss you too."

You shared a quick hug and left with the rest of the humans. Your time on Asgard was officially up and you'd be going home. You tried not to cry as you soared through space in a beam of light.

You'd never see him again, would you?


"A coffee, black please" you say groggily at the coffee shop counter.

You hadn't slept in weeks, not since you left Asgard. Going back to work was boring compared to the adventures you had with Loki.

You sipped the bitter liquid as you walked into work, droning through the day.

"What's been going on with you lately?" A coworker would ask.

You shrugged it off and went back to doing the last amount of work possible. Everything was so bland on Earth, so meaningless.

You sighed as you sunk into bed, your heart breaking. You missed Jane and Asgard. You missed Loki.

You cried for the first time since you got back. You sobbed. You didn't know why you felt like this, like you couldn't continue without him.

"Get up looser," Darcy says from your doorway.

Darcy was Jane's friend but you had grown to like her as well.

"Shut up," you groan, pulling the covers over your head.

"Stop lazing around like a log and go shopping with me and Ian!" Darcy whines.

"I'm not in the mood to be your third wheel!" You shout.

"If anything he'll be the third wheel, come on babe, let's go have some fun!" She insists.

You sigh, she wasn't going to give up. You dragged yourself out of bed.

"Fine," you mutter, getting dressed in something more comfortable.

"Hon, are you sure you want to go shopping in sweats and a hoodie?" Darcy asks, eying your outfit.

"I'm coming shopping with you, shut up," you mumble.

"Okay, whatever, you'll regret that later but whatever," Darcy says, heading out the door.

You ignored her and went down to the car.

"Hey Ian," you greet half-heartedly.

"Hello (y/n), how are you?" he asks.

You sigh, avoiding the question. Darcy and Ian shared a concerned look before starting the car and heading towards the mall.

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