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"Jane, oh my god, we need to talk," You declare, bursting into the room that she and Thor were in.

"What's going on?" Jane asks, looking up from some sort of alien card game.

"I need to speak with you privately," you say, glancing at Thor.

Jane turned to her Fiancé with a soft smile. "Girl stuff. I'll see you later?"

Thor pouted as he left the room, whining that he wanted in on the drama.

Once the door was closed and Thor was out of earshot, you spilled. "Loki just kissed me."

Jane chokes on air. "Excuse me, what?"

"Loki kissed me out in the gardens!" You repeat, blushing madly.

"Tell me everything!" Jane squeals, sitting across from you.

You told her everything, everything.

"And he said that He thinks he might love me," You mumble, embarrassed at the thought.

"Oh my god! I never imagined you with him but oh my God!" Jane squeals taking your hands in hers. "I'm so happy for you!"

"But like, what do I do? What do I say?" You ask, panicking.

"Be yourself, he likes you for you!" Jane says, shaking her head.

You took the flower from your hair and smiled at it. You were in love.


"Thor! We need to talk!" Loki demands, storming into the throne room.

Thor sits up from his slouched position on his brothers seat. "What's wrong?"

Loki tugged at his collar, gasping for air. "I may or may not have kissed (y/n)."

Thor cheered thunderously, clapping Loki on the back. "That's great brother!"

Loki sank down in his throne, biting his nails. "I think I love her," he says barely above a whisper.

"What are you going to do about it?" Thor asks.

"I- I don't know," Loki mutters, grabbing at his luxurious hair.

"Well you better think fast Loki, the wedding is in three days and (y/n) will be going home after that."

Loki looked up, he had completely forgotten that you would be going home soon.

"What am I going to do?" Loki asks himself.

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