Chapter 24 - Eve of the End

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In a hospital in Japan...

The nurse led the man to the room, where she stopped at the door and turned to face him. He was a relative of the patient, and had shown up all of a sudden, asking to visit her. The patient had previously only ever been visited by her father, but now her uncle had stopped by to check on her. She had been there for seven years, but it was understandable that estranged family members were only now getting the chance to pay her a visit.
"You're free to go in – but I'm afraid all visiting hours end in about half an hour." The nurse said.
"Ah thank you, I appreciate you letting me in so close to the deadline."
"Of course. I'll leave you to it. Any problems, just call."
"Thank you."
The nurse walked away down the hall and the man turned to face the door. With a breath of anticipation, he pushed it open and stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.
The curtains were open but the lights were off, save for the electronics hooked up to the patient. The girl was lying in bed, completely unconscious.
Alfred took off his jacket and walked closer.
It hadn't been easy locating Poppy Kudou. Her father had kept her very secretive, and Megan had had to conduct a thorough search to find her.
Her dark violet hair lay long around her head, and the sound of her gentle breathing was the only noise to be heard. Poppy was 14 years old, but had spent half of her life asleep after falling into a coma. Alfred couldn't help but feel pity for the girl who was growing up with no knowledge of it, and for the father who had lost those precious years to her slumber.
"You poor thing..." He looked down at her with sad eyes. "It wasn't easy finding you, you know."
Even getting to her hadn't been so simple. Alfred was given the persona of an estranged uncle, fit with documentation and I.D to prove the existence of this fake relative. It was the only way anyone other than her father could get close to her.
"A friend of mine told me to come and protect you." Alfred kept speaking to the unconscious girl as he reached into his specially made jacket's pocket. "Sounded urgent, too. Almost as if you were being held hostage." He looked around the room. "But there's nobody here... Kiria, are you sure about this...?" He pulled out a pink ball. One of the expanding shields that he had provided to his colleague.
"That girl knows more than I do about dimensional threats, anyway. Better safe than sorry..."
Alfred reached out towards Poppy and paused for a moment, looking down at her sleeping face and feeling his stomach churn.
"I hope you wake up soon. This isn't fair..."
He dropped the ball on her shoulder and it expanded on impact, practically inflating into a pink bubble that surrounded the entire bed, up to the ceiling and several metres either side.
"There... Nobody can hurt you now." Alfred straightened up, producing a small vial from his trouser pocket. He stepped outside of the bubble and opened the vial, revealing the tiniest amount of clear liquid.
"And now..."
He lifted the bottle and tilted it, allowing a single drop to fall onto the pink shield. Though it was almost completely intangible, the chemical in the bottle had been freshly produced alongside the shield, made from the same basic constructs. The liquid touched the barrier, and the protective bubble began to lose its colour, the pink fading away as if it had never been there.
"The masking agent makes it look like it isn't even there..." Alfred marvelled at the science department's handiwork. "No other-worldly intruders are getting through that – and your doctors won't even know it's there."
He pocketed the vial and put his jacket back on. It was suddenly quite chilly in the room.
"Well, Poppy... It was nice to meet you." He smiled with a melancholy look in his eyes. "I hope fate is kinder to you in the future..."
The fact that Kiria had a reason to want this girl under greater protection suggested to the agent that there really was something going on here – something he couldn't see. First she had demanded the accelerated production of the dimensional barriers, and now she had asked for the child to be protected with one. Well, not explicitly, but Alfred had taken the hint. And he wasn't stupid either – he had pieced together the likely scenario that had driven Kiria towards her demands.
There was an other-worldly threat looming. The extent of the severity of that threat, Alfred couldn't possibly know, but whatever it was, clearly had its eye on Poppy for some reason.
Suddenly, he began to feel uneasy. What if this unseen threat had been watching him the entire time?
Alfred reached up to his ear and pressed the transparent communicator, opening the radio channel.
"Yes?" Her voice came through. "Have you done it?"
"Yes – is my backup here?" Alfred asked hurriedly.
"What's wrong?"
"Are they here?" He asked again.
"Yes, waiting outside. White Wolf is in position."
"Send the Wolf to the Raven." He gritted his teeth.
"But Alfred-"
"Please." Alfred was persistent.
"Alfred, what's wrong? Are you in danger?"
Alfred removed his hand from his ear. There was a freezing chill rising up his back.
"Who are you?" A cold voice asked from seemingly out of nowhere.
"What the-?!" Alfred looked around, but the voice had no body. "I-I'm a relative..."
"Fortunate. You will be among the first to face judgement."
Alfred froze, his suspicions confirmed. Although he couldn't see it, he had no doubt that he was face-to-face with the threat Kiria had been hinting towards. Whatever it was, its power was immense – so much so that it could be felt in the atmosphere. There was no doubt about it. And to hide in Poppy's shield would reveal it to the enemy, giving it a reason to attack Percival Kudou himself. Alfred reached up to his ear, feigning an itch. This was it. Nothing he could do – no distance he could run, no place he could hide.
He was dead.
"Wolf to Raven..." He whispered.
Not that he could know it, but the thing confronting him hadn't been present until mere moments ago. It didn't yet know of Poppy's secret defence, nor that Alfred wasn't working alone. Switching to codenames was a smart play that protected the identities and lives of his co-workers.
"Take peace in your salvation." The unseen beast spoke softly, before a dark tendril shot out of the ether and pierced Alfred's chest.
The man felt no pain. He was gone in a fraction of a second – morphed to dust and erased from existence completely, leaving no trace behind.
The killer slipped back into the shadows, and a moment later, the door opened. The nurse had returned.
"Sorry Sir, but we're closing up early – oh..." She saw that there was nobody in the room. "Must have left already... Oh well. Goodnight Poppy." She shut the door and the room fell silent once more.


"Alfred?" Megan called out to her agent, hunched over her desk back at base.
"Wolf to Raven..."
The line went dead.
"ALFRED!" Megan leapt out of her chair. "Sh*t! Dammit! Alfred!"
There was no response.
Megan frantically switched radio channels.
"White Wolf! Retreat immediately!" Megan blurted the order. "Go to Liocott Island – protect the Raven!"


"Understood." White Wolf replied, their body hidden beneath a grey tarpaulin sheet on the roof of a building opposite the hospital, sniper barrel poking out. Within mere seconds, they were gone, equipment and all - a master of stealth disappearing from sight almost as soon as they willed it.
Fortunately for the White Wolf, they would reappear – the same couldn't be said for their fallen comrade.


Tonight was the last night before the Final of the Continental Cup, where Asia's team, Aegis, would face Europe's team, Grand Europa. Our final training session had ended, and we were encouraged to rest for the big day, yet I was still outside, practicing with Buizel. The Sun was setting, but we were on the verge of something big – I could feel it.
"One more time!" I called out to him.
"Bui!" He chimed back, standing opposite me a few feet away beside the building.
"Ready... GO!"


"How do you know so much about it?" Shu asked Midorima as the two sat down for dinner.
"Well you see, I am an avid reader on the subject." The captain sat opposite him.
"Really? It's incredible that you have so much room for knowledge in your head..."
"Knowledge is a treasure, Shu-ling. And like a miner searching for gold, I too seek something of value. To know is to be prepared – and it frustrates me that in this lifetime there may be things I cannot know about."
"That's why you teach yourself so much?"
"Yes. To learn is to develop." Midorima smiled.
"Wow... I wish I was that driven..." Shu sighed.
"Come now, everyone has their own strengths. No doubt you also have a skill or a hobby that sets you apart."
"I don't know about that..." He laughed, looking away.
"Yo, Cap!" Hikaru appeared, placing her hands down on the table.
"Hikaru. What can I do for you?" The green-haired boy asked.
"I was wondering if you'd spar with me. I wanna get some more practice in before tomorrow, but Mira's gone to bed already and everyone else is tired out."
"You want to spar so late in the day?" Midorima looked at his watch.
"C'mon, Captain. You won't let me down, right?" She smirked.
"Of course not." He pushed up his glasses. "It's my duty as captain to attend to the team's needs. I'll join you after I've eaten."
"Woo! Thanks!" Hikaru stood up straight. "Oh, one more thing! I was wondering if you knew – whoa, what's that...?"
The boys followed her eyes to the window. In the dying colour of day, a bright blue light was pulsing outside, just out of view. It could barely be seen from the window as it rose up, then dissipated in the blink of an eye.
"That looks like it was just outside." Shu commented.
"Should we check it out?" Hikaru asked.
"Yes, I think so." Midorima stood. "Shu-ling?"
"Oh, I'm good, thanks." He declined to join in.
"All right. I'll be back shortly."
"Let's go." Hikaru went along with him.
The two of them made their way to the main entrance and pushed open the doors.
"See anything?" Hikaru asked as they stepped outside.
"No... Not yet..." Midorima looked to the sky where the light had gone.
"...Hah... Hah..."
They turned to their left to see me and Buizel standing near the wall. My Pokemon was bent over, panting with a fire in his eyes, like he had accomplished some great goal. I wiped sweat from my brow and took a deep breath.
"Toby? Are you all right?" Midorima called to me.
"Oh, yeah! We're ok!"
"Was that light you?" Hikaru pointed upwards.
"Was there a light?" I looked at Buizel, not sure.
"Bui?" He didn't know either.
"Uh... Maybe?" I answered.
"What were you doing?" She looked intrigued.
"We're putting in some special training one-to-one."
"Ah. We'd better not interrupt." Midorima nodded. "Come, Hikaru. Let's leave them to it."
"Right. See ya!"
"Bye!" I held up a hand as they left. When I heard the door shut, I turned to face Buizel and smiled. "I think we've done it, buddy. You did it!"
"Bui..." He nodded, a smirk crawling across his face.
"This is really going to help! I'll try not to let you down!" I held out my fist.
"Bui-bui!" He tapped his paw against my knuckles.
"For now, get some rest. We'll need to be in top-form tomorrow to even stand a chance against Grand Europa."


Later on, I was sat on the bed, reading through the book Nelly had bought me. It was all about social anxiety – the science behind it and ways both big and small to make changes in life to start to fight it. I was absorbed in it from the moment I picked it up and didn't snap out of it until the bedroom door opened and Nelly came in.
"Hello." I looked up from the book and smiled.
"Hi Sweetheart." She smiled back, closing the door. "Oh, you started it! How is it?"
"It's pretty interesting, actually." I nodded. "A lot of what it says is right – I do tend to obsess over the worst-case scenario, you know? Stuff like that so far."
"Hopefully it helps." She came over.
"Yeah... It'd be nice to live without being afraid over nothing."
"I know you can beat it." Nelly sat down beside me. She ran her hands through my hair and looked at my face. "Hmm, your hair's getting long again..."
"I guess it is..." I looked up to see my fringe that had been dangling in my peripheral vision.
"Want me to cut it for you again?" She asked.
"You don't have to do that..." I shook my head.
"It's ok – I have all my stuff in the bathroom already. I don't mind."
"You sure?"
"Yep." She smiled.
"Well... Ok then. Thank you."


I sat on a chair with a towel wrapped around my top half as Nelly began cutting my hair. She had done it once before, and I had forgotten how nervous it had made me. Not because I had any doubt she would do a good job – rather, She was always so close, leaning over me. I had a hard time keeping my head straight and looking up, so most of the time I just looked down , where all I could see were her legs coming and going from my vision as she circled round, trimming everything evenly.
"Ok... Look up..." She said after a little while, gently lifting my chin with her fingertips. I did as I was told, looking beyond her face and into the wall as she examined my hair.
"Mmm, ok... Little more there..."
Nelly went back to snipping around my fringe, and hair fell onto the towel around my chest.
I felt like I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what. For some reason, the situation had me flustered.
"Come on... She gets closer than this when we sleep..." I tried to tell myself. But that was different. I was so used to her being there when we laid down for the night. But this felt more like whenever we would dance, or when we would embrace in the moment.
"She's not sweating out right now. Calm down, calm down..."
"H-huh – yeah?" I responded, shocked back to Earth.
"Are you ok? You're awfully quiet."
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine."
"Really?" She appeared before me again, reaching out with her hand. "Your cheeks are hot. Are you feeling all right?"
"Yeah..." I plucked up the courage to look her in the eyes and immediately felt my heart jump. "I... Sorry... I'm embarrassed..." I admitted.
"Well, you're just so close, and..."
"Aw... I can step back if you want-" She started moving away.
"No!" I grabbed her wrist instinctively and stopped her. Nelly looked down at me with curiosity.
"S-sorry..." I let go. "I mean... No. Don't step back. Please..."
As much as the situation made me feel a little overwhelmed, I really didn't want her to stop being so close.
I felt her fingertips beneath my chin again and I looked up at her.
"It's all right. You don't have to be nervous around me."
"I'm sorry... I'm... Just worried that I might look somewhere I shouldn't, o-or..." I stammered.
"Don't be silly." She giggled. "Ease up, Sweetheart."
She leant forward and kissed me, and I felt all the heat in me rise up in a tingling sensation. It was like she relieved all the stress with her touch.
When she pulled away, I breathed for what felt like the first time in ages. "...Thank you... You're right. I was being silly... Sorry."
"It's fine. To be honest, I'd be lying if I said I offered to cut your hair just for the sake of actually cutting your hair." Nelly laughed, going back to snipping the overlong hairs.
"I wanted to spend some time with you before tomorrow." She said, brushing away loose strands. "I know you've been working hard, and it felt like I haven't really been able to be alone with you that much."
"Oh, I..." I was flattered that she even wanted to be alone with me. "It's been tough..." I admitted. "Training went into high-gear... I don't want you to feel like I've been neglecting you-"
"Of course not." She laughed. "We still cuddle every night, so there is that part of the day when you're all mine."
"Yeah. That's my favourite part of the day every day..." I blushed.
"Mine too. It always hurts a little when I have to get up in the morning and leave your arms."
"Haha..." I went even more red.
"Oh, I didn't mean to embarrass you again!"
"N-no... I... I like it when you say things like that." I swallowed.
"You're so cute." She giggled, walking around me to check all the angles.
"Hey, uh... After the tournament's over, do you think... I'll have to grow up...?"
Nelly stopped for a moment and looked in the mirror.
"I mean... I know I should start working-"
"Take your time." She shook her head. "There's no rush. If you try to move too fast, you'll only end up hurting yourself. Read that book and try to get better little by little."
"You sure it's ok for me to take it slow? I feel like I'm already so far behind..."
"It is. Nobody can force you to do anything before you're ready. And I'll be with you all the way if you want me."
"I want you." I was sure.
"Nothing, it's just... Haha, I've never heard you say anything like that before." Her face was going red.
"Huh? O-oh, no, I-I meant-!" I realised what it sounded like.
"I know what you meant." She smiled, shaking her head. "I just wasn't expecting it."
"Do you... Want me to say things like that...?" I asked sheepishly.
"...Well, I... I mean, I..." She looked into my eyes and she froze up, just like me. "Maybe when the moment 'calls for it'... Just not out of the blue..." She broke eye contact and laughed it off.
"Ok..." I nodded slowly, making a mental note.
"Anyway – I'll help you get better." Nelly brought the subject back. "I promise."
"Thank you. Really."
"You don't need to thank me for wanting to help my best friend." She cupped my face in her right hand. "And remember – growing old is inevitable, but growing up isn't something you ever really have to do. Just be you – that's more than enough."
I stared at her and marvelled. She was right, of course, as she tended to be. I was so lucky to have her in my life.
"I've never... Loved you more than I do right now..." I shook my head in disbelief.
"Toby...!" Nelly covered up her embarrassment by coming in and kissing me. I kissed back and pulled her close, not wanting to let her go.
When we opened our eyes, Nelly was practically sat on my lap, her forehead pressing gently down against mine from her slightly elevated perch. Her right hand was on my face, and her left was ever so slightly clutching at my chest. I looked up at her swooning eyes and felt my heart tighten.
"What do you do to me...?" She whispered, gently nuzzling her head against mine.
"I could ask you the same thing..." I reached up and took her hand, my eyes flittering across her face, taking in all of her beauty. "You're so pretty."
She batted her eyelashes and smiled sweetly. "And you're beautiful."
We stared at each other for a moment, before she slid off of my lap and stood up straight. "Anyway... Your haircut's finished..."
"Oh, right... Thank you..." I had completely forgotten what had been happening a moment ago. I stood up and shook the loose hairs off.
"I'll let you wash up." She picked up her scissors and comb.
"Ok..." I turned and watched her head to the door. "Nelly..."
"I love you." She smiled back at me.
"I love you too." I grinned.
And with that, she left the bathroom.
I placed my hand over my racing heart and took a deep breath. "I really, really, really love you." I rasped.
I managed to shake myself out of it and got ready to shower.


That night, Nelly pulled me in close and laid my head to rest on her chest while she gently stroked my hair. It was exactly what I did for her every night, and now she was returning the favour. I could instantly tell why she loved being held like this. I had never felt so warm and safe.
"Good luck tomorrow. I know you'll do great." She said.
"Thank you. I'll do my best."
"I'll cheer you on with all my might..."
"...Is it strange how suddenly I'm feeling just a little stronger?" I smiled.
We simply cuddled for a while before it was time to go to sleep. She stopped stroking my hair and wrapped her arms around me instead.
"Sweet dreams..." I heard her whisper from above me.
"You too..." I whispered back, nestling in a little closer.


"I can feel it..." Celebi shuddered. "It's close..."
"If only I could track it..." Palkia sighed.
"A truly ominous force indeed." Giratina agreed.
"Are we really going to just sit here?" Celebi looked at her superior in desperation.
"We must, for that is our duty." Palkia nodded.
"I don't like this..." She looked around uneasily. "I really don't like this at all..."

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