Chapter 35 - Azelf in Action

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"So, just what exactly can you do now that you've bonded with Toby?" Nelly asked. Azelf was floating alongside us as we made our way to breakfast.

"Well, for starters, all of my psychic powers are enhanced." Azelf said, looking at his hands. "Plus, I think I'll be able to do more things with them too, besides just moving things with my mind."

"So it's a power boost?" I glanced at him.

"Essentially, yes – but that's just my end of the partnership – you have powers now too." Azelf smiled.


"On the base level, your stamina, pain tolerance, durability and of course – willpower – should all be notably increased when you and I fight together. The same goes for your body's natural healing process – you should be able to bounce back from injury much faster when I'm accelerating your recovery period."

"Wow... All of that... Really?"

"Yes." The blue sprite laughed. "But that's just boosting your body's own inherent abilities – our bond lets you utilise my own strengths as well."

"Wait... Do you mean you've given him psychic powers...?!" Nelly gasped.

"That's right." Azelf nodded. "Whenever I'm out on the field with Toby, he can use my powers as his own – bonding with humans in this way serves to increase both of our abilities, and if your friends manage to communicate with other legendary Pokemon, they'll inherit abilities as well."

"You can't be serious..." I curled and uncurled my fingers. "I have psychic abilities now? B-but how...? How do I even use them...?"

"I'd love to be able to give you a demonstration, but it seems like you'll only be able to utilise them if we link up again."

"Link up?"

"If you need to use my powers, you'll be able to. It just doesn't seem like I can share them with you whenever I want to..." Azelf sighed. "Believe me, I just tried... It must be some kind of subconscious lock put in place by Arceus so that we don't abuse our newfound strengths..."

"You'd think that with the danger we're in, Arceus would let you take the training wheels off." Nelly shook her head.

"I guess it is what it is." I shrugged. "At least it's good to know that the power is there if I ever do need it..."


After breakfast, we met with Megan briefly before Kudou took us away to try and find another way to encourage the others to create a link with legendary Pokemon.

"All right, everyone. Midorima has proposed a few different strategies for today, so we're going to start by conducting some research." Kudou announced.

"Yes," Midorima stepped forward. "I would like everyone to please follow me down to the library, where we will each choose a Pokemon to study. My theory is that the more we know about the legendary Pokemon, the better we can understand their virtues and embody them within ourselves."

"You want us to sit and read?" Caleb folded his arms.

"Well, yes, at least for a little while."


"Toby, I would ask that you bring Azelf along as usual." The green-haired boy looked across.

"Ok." I nodded, as Azelf floated by my shoulder.

"All right, team, you're dismissed." Megan waved. "I've told them you're coming – all the books are yours to look through. Just don't damage anything."

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