Chapter 56 - To Lose it All

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Tobi tore across the battlefield, tackling Bedlam at full force as the invader had been about to stomp down on Skyra's shield.

"What the-?!" My friend propped himself up on his elbows, watching the two villains skid across the decimated plains, throwing violent punches and kicks at each other.

The message that Tobi was tentatively on our side echoed through his and everybody else's heads, and they all collectively turned to watch my deranged doppelgänger try and take on this menace.

"I don't know how you won him over," Darragh said. "But even then I don't think he'll be enough to turn the tide here."

"We have to hit it hard, all at once." I said. "Tobi! Hold it off for a minute!"

"Shut your mouth!" He barked back, taking a fist to the face but refusing to go down.

"Everyone!" Paolo called. "Fall back!"

The group dropped back and reunited as Tobi bore the brunt of Bedlam's onslaught in the distance.

"We brought these for you!" Azelf gestured to the girders sitting behind us.

"Perfect." Cobalion nodded. "Now we can attack from a distance."

"Hm..." Paolo thought for a moment, before turning to look around at everyone. Including him, there were 12 of us who had bonded with legendary Pokemon – coincidentally, the same number of people to a team during the World Tournament that felt so distant already. We also had Tobi, and a handful of trained combat specialists in Megan's troupe who were unfortunately sitting ducks in this fight – not to mention our friends who had helped to gather the Soul Emeralds in the first place, their trip entirely wasted. Yu's mother, my younger sister and Nelly's family were also stranded out here, as well as Neira Kiles and her young son.

It was plainly obvious to everyone that if things didn't tip into our favour soon, we were going to lose more lives than we were prepared to.

"Listen up, Amici..." Paolo breathed. "Toby's right – we need to strike together. If we combine all of our strengths and hit Bedlam with a flurry of attacks, then... Then we have to do some damage."

"That thing seems pretty indestructible..." Shu squirmed.

"Perhaps – but I would wager that that's only the case because we've been largely separated during this battle." Zacian said.

"Yes – we haven't been able to close in with more than two at a time." Ho-oh agreed.

"But if we give it everything we've got..." Keldeo nodded slowly.

"Then we should be able to at least put a dent in that creep." Hikaru clenched her fist.

"How are we going to get it to stay still long enough to hit it, though?" Yu asked.

"By utilising everyone's unique strengths and abilities." Paolo replied. "Speaking of – Midorima." He looked back at the lanky green-haired boy, who had been deep in thought this whole time. "I take it you've thought of a plan?"

"Yes." He pushed up his glasses. "It's very specific, and it involves everybody coming together – but I believe we have the ability to pull it off."

"All right – lay it on us."

"Yes – firstly, we'll spread out like this..."


"Ngah!" Tobi reeled back, his face stinging from the kick that had just been smashed across it.

"You should have stayed where I put you." Bedlam said. "At least then your end wouldn't be so humiliating."

"Hah... Pissing you off, am I?" He laughed. "Come on – get angry! Show me what you can really do!"

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