Chapter 25 - Grand Europa Looms

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It was the day of the Final. Whoever won today would win the first ever Continental Cup, a sister competition intended to run alternately with the original World Tournament.

To say the pressure was mounting would have been an understatement – and to make things worse (or better, depending on everyone's outlooks), some friends and family had made their way to our dorms in the hours before the big event.

We had just finished breakfast when we were met with the surprise – though judging by the look on Kudou and Darragh's faces, it wasn't entirely unexpected.

Almost everyone was visited by friends or family, and the main hall was now full chatter as several conversations started up at once.

"Sky!" Rebekah ran up to Skyra, excited to see him.

"Rebekah!" He beamed. "You should've said you were coming!"

"I wanted to surprise you! But come on, did you think I would miss this? I wanted to make sure I was here to cheer you on in person!"

"Thank you." He smiled as she excitedly grabbed his hands. "I'll be able to give it my all with you behind me."

Yu's mother made a fuss of her boy whilst Mira and Zhang caught up with their own parents. At the same time, Carmello celebrated with his mother and two younger brothers, who were all incredibly proud to see him make it so far.

"Vitya!" A familiar Russian accent could be heard.

Victor turned to face the doorway, surprised that his older brother had come all this way. But when he saw Vladimir, his jaw dropped.

"Vo... Volodya... You... You're walking...!" Victor gasped.

It was true. After years of waiting for surgery, having the operation and recovering, Vladimir Blayde could finally walk un-aided - no crutches or wheelchairs needed.

"Da... I made it, Vitya." His big brother smiled.

"Volodya...!" Victor began to cry as he ran to his sibling, embracing him. He had always felt responsible for damaging Vladimir's legs in the first place, and to see him walking freely again was all he had ever wanted.

"That's wonderful news." Nelly smiled.

"Yeah... Wow, that's so great." I couldn't help but well up a bit.

"Hi Kiddo, how's it goin'?" Brawly, Gym Leader of Dewford Town fame, strolled in with his wife, hand raised in greeting.

"Dad! Mum! You made it!" Hikaru slapped his open palm before the family embraced.

Four familiar faces made their way into the room, and Nelly and I definitely hadn't expected to see them here.

"Yo! You made it to the finals again!" Ix spoke first. His girlfriend Penelope was on his arm, and his best friend Ray stood beside him. Our old teammate Sol was with them too, and all four of them looked delighted.

"You guys...!" I was shocked.

"We weren't gonna miss this." Ray laughed.

"Well done on making it this far." Penelope smiled.

"Not that there was any doubt." Sol added.

"Since we couldn't be on the team, I thought the next best thing would be to come cheer you guys on in the big finale!" Ix winked, waving to Yu as he walked by with his mother.

"Thanks." I said. "It's nice to see you guys again."

"What about your siblings, Sol?" Nelly asked.

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