Chapter 33 - Willpower Wakes

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The next day, Nelly proposed that we take a break, and use the next 24 hours to do our own things. As predicted, the idea was met with some unhappy and confused responses.

"We've just started, and you already want to take a break?" Kudou asked.

"I'm sure you don't need reminding that we really can't afford to rest on our laurels here." Kai sighed. "Every moment wasted is a moment more people could be dying."

"But what if those moments aren't wasted?" Nelly stood her ground. "We can be productive without pushing ourselves too far."

"There is merit to what you say." Janus nodded. "But this early on, we can't afford to slow down – we need to unlock Toby's bond as soon as possible."

"That's what I'm saying!" She shook her head. "It can take willpower to hold back, too! It doesn't always have to be about pushing yourself all the time."

"You know, you're really starting to sound like you just want a break yourself." Kiria folded her arms.

"What? No, that's not it!" Nelly frowned.

"Kiria, hold it." Megan sighed. "I know you don't like the idea of slowing down, but Nelly might have a point."

"Here we go..." Kiria stepped back.

"Sure, we know we need Toby to figure this out ASAP – but if he works himself to the bone, he'll burnout and be useless. The last thing we need right now is for him to pick up an injury that makes the Pokemon think twice about resonating with him."

"This is also true." Janus agreed. "Typically, the fable says that the Guardians were significantly able-bodied. To fall victim to injury now would spell a premature end to everything – including life as we know it. Small things escalate and spiral into large consequences."

I glanced at Nelly as I thought about the weird pain in my knee. Was it enough to put me out of the running? Surely not – the blue light had still popped up even after the pain had began. I put it out of my mind and decided to speak for myself, immediately nervous as everyone turned to face me.

"I... I think she's right." I swallowed. "It might be what I need... And – well, it's definitely... What I want..." I winced, expecting to be ridiculed. Instead, there was a flash as the circle of light pulsed around my feet, indicating that I was doing something right.

"That was the light..." Janus stared.

"Then..." Paolo looked up.

"Then they're right...?" Gabi was a little confused.

"Well the Pokemon definitely seems to think so." Skyra said.

"I would recommend allowing the group to disband for today to carry out their own activities." Janus turned to Megan.

"Are you sure?"

"Up until now, I was hesitant – but upon seeing that blue light again, I'm certain that they're onto something. At the very least, it can't hurt to allow it for just one day. Worst case scenario, Toby makes minimal progress – but progress is till progress."

"Hm..." Megan looked to me, then to Kudou.

"Your call." The Coach said.

"Well, if the expert recommends it..." Megan glanced at Janus and he nodded. "Then I suppose it would be stupid to argue. That's that. You're free to do what you want today – just... Make sure you don't waste your time. Keep yourselves occupied. Though it's free time, I would hope you don't use it to sit and stare at a wall. That said, do what you feel is best – it's up to you."

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