Chapter 34 - Glimmer

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In the morning, everyone gathered in Megan's office once more. The looks of surprise and joy when I told them that I had managed to fully call upon a legendary Pokemon were priceless.

"You did it?!" Yu gasped.

"Well done, mi amigo!" Gabi patted my shoulder. "I knew you could do it."

"Congratulations." Paolo smiled. "That means we're a step closer to being able to take Bedlam on, right?" He glanced over to Janus.

"Yes." The man nodded. "However, it's still too soon to say how much of a boon this is – but it's certainly a boon nonetheless."

"So, who is it?" Hikaru asked, having shown up today after having a day to cool off. She was still a little heated after what Kiria had said, but had agreed to come to the meeting when Nelly had insisted to her that it was important.

"Yeah, can we see?!" Yu was excited.

"Sure." I stepped back, praying that it would work and that last night wasn't just a fluke. "Azelf!" I called out into the open.

There was a flash of light and the little blue Pokemon appeared from a sparkling void that closed behind it.

"Hello everyone." It smiled.

"Wow..." Chloe nodded slowly.

"Incredible... So it's true..." Megan smiled.

"Impressive." Skyra said.

"Haha, thanks." I shied away.

"Hi! I'm Yu!" Yu introduced himself eagerly.

"Hello Yu. I'm Azelf." The pixie levitated a bit lower.

"So we might all be able to call on Pokemon like Azelf...?" Midorima took it all in.

"Ideally, yes." Janus stepped forward. "Oh mighty Azelf, please accept our humblest gratitude for gracing us with your presence in our plight..." He bowed slightly, and Midorima and Shu copied.

"It's quite all right." Azelf flew up. "This evil being threatens not only you humans, but all Pokemon as well. When I felt it appear for the first time, I set out on a search for a human companion." It looked back at me and held up its little arm. "And, thankfully, I have found one in Toby. Now that we are united, I can finally unlock my full potential and hopefully help drive the beast away for good."

"Even you aren't completely sure it can be done, hm?" Kiria asked.

"...No, not entirely." Azelf admitted. "The monster is very strong..."

"Was it you who drove it away a few days back – at the stadium, I mean?" Paolo thought back.

"Yes, that was me." Azelf nodded. "However, when I flew up towards that creature to try and drive it away, I had no way of knowing if I would succeed or not..." Its face became awash with fearful memories. "Truth be told, what I did was reckless – overly so... But people were dying all around me – I had to try something. My only regret is that I couldn't act sooner – and for that, I sincerely apologise..."

"Gh..." Victor looked down at the floor.

"Mm..." Hikaru sighed.

"It's not your fault." Janus said. "You saved countless lives in the end. Your power is truly immense."

"Be that as it may, even now I still pale in comparison to that monster." Azelf shook its head. "The only reason it fled when I attacked it was because I caught it off-guard – that I'm sure of."

"Still..." Skyra folded his arms. "You saved us all. If you hadn't acted, maybe a lot more people wouldn't be here right now."

"He's right – you were exceptionally brave." Midorima agreed.

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