Chapter 9

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Sansa's POV:

"Sansa come on, it's our coronation as the new Warden of the North and Lord of Winterfell. What will all the Noble men think when my wife isn't by my side?" Ramsay said to me on our daily walks. Ramsay and I have been spending some time together. For the sake of the baby. I am still frustrated with him and what he did. I don't trust he and I don't plan on forgiving him any time soon.

"Sansa it has been a month since all of this happened. I think its time that we-" "Ramsay you don't get to decide, It is up to me and what I decide is what is going to happen." I said cutting him off.

"I know all I am saying is that you have to be arriving to a conclusion soon right?" He asks me. "I really don't know Ramsay it is so much to process." I reply. "You have to come tonight, you are the Wardeness of the North with me. We have to do it together. Remember you were the one that told me that." Ramsay said smirking at me. I look down at the ground so he doesn't catch me blushing.

"I'll see," I say as we approach my side of Winterfell. "Well I hope that I will see you later." He says grabbing my hand and kissing it. "Goodbye Ramsay," I say to him and walk up the starts to my chambers.

"I take it the walks are going well?" Glenda, my loyal maid side to me. "Yes they seem to be working, the baby isn't kicking as much." I say rubbing my stomach. "Well that is good my Lady. Here I have all of the supplies that you need to make a dress whether it be tonight or just to have." She said to me curtseying before heading towards the door to walk out. "Glenda," I say to her. "Yes my Lady," she replies.

"Do you think I should go tonight?" I say to her. "I cannot tell you what to do ma'am, but if it were me I would go. Not because Ramsay asked you to, but because it is your duty. Also, you don't want Ramsay smooth talking all of the Noblemen for them to prefer him over you now do you?" Glenda said to me.

"Thank you I will take this into consideration." I say and Glenda walks out.

I don't know what to do. Ramsay will think I am doing this for him. It would be great to get away from reality for a bit. With this and my celebration coming up it will distract me from making a decision about Ramsay.

I told Ramsay that I have been thinking about what I am going to do, but in reality I haven't been able to. I was hoping one day my decision would just pop into my head, but it hasn't happened yet and it has been a month. I don't know what would be best for the baby. I didn't want Ramsay actions towards me affect my decision, but it has swayed my decision making.

All of the sweet things he says to my stomach to calm the baby makes me happy and he is that same man that I started to fall in love with. But, then I remember what he did and it makes things complicated.

I just wish I could figure this out so that I can go living my life. I don't know what I am going to do if I choose to stay away from Ramsay. I have to stay here because I am the Wardeness of the North now. I need to protect my home that I grew up in. I also would want to stay because ever since I was little I wanted to raise my children here.

I am the Wardeness of the North and the Lady of Winterfell. I have a duty to protect not only my family, but my people as well.

My decision was made and I headed over towards the fabric to make one of the most stunning dresses I have ever made.


"Glenda please inform Lord Bolton that I will waiting for his escort at the stairs whenever he is ready" I said to her and she scurried away to go tell the news. I look at myself and hope that this dress looks good. It isn't a typical dress it is more tight fitting. I wanted to show off that I was pregnant to let all the noble people know that I have an heir. I also wanted to look good to make Ramsay jealous.

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