Chapter 24

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Sansa's POV:

"Arya, I told you. You are going to be a problem on this trip. I am not going to have you stress me out which is why you are going to stay here." I say walking away from Arya as she tries to convince me to let her come with us to meet Daenerys Targaryen. "Sansa, I wasn't being a problem I was stating the obvious." She says in a sassy tone. "I don't care, as the Queen of the North and your older sister I forbid it." I say still walking away from her. "Fine, I'll be on my best behavior, if you don't want to deal with me then you can send me back" Arya said giving up in defeat. "I will have to talk to Ramsay," I say not giving her an exact answer just yet.

I head towards our chambers where Ramsay is with Henry. "My love good afternoon he says as he kisses me on the cheek. I take Henry from his arms and bounce him on my hip. "Arya wants to come with us." I say to him. "Darling I know that she is your sister, but I don't know if that is best. She has been getting on both of our nerves lately," he says stating to me. "I know ever since we got the letter two weeks ago she hasn't stopped talking about it." I say huffing and pacing in the room. "She did say that she would be on her best behavior, and if we were fed up with her then we could send her home." I say as a positive point. "I still don't know if I will be able to deal with her." Ramsay said shaking his head. 

"At this point I have given up, Arya will do what we say because she told me that she would be willing to leave if we were getting on her nerves. Also, she will be pretty occupied with someone else soon enough." I say smiling at Ramsay. "Darling you still haven't told me who is coming with us." Ramsay said to me. "I know, but they will arrive shortly." I say smiling at him. Him and Arya won't believe who I got to come on this adventure with us.

"I am going to feed Henry and walk him around the courtyard. Maybe soon he will begin to walk on his own." I say walking over to a chair and undoing my dress so Henry can latch on. After all this time Ramsay still gets so aroused every time my breast is exposed. He smiles and me and walks over. "I love you," he says and kisses my forehead. "My son is a lucky man," he says winking before leaving the room.

I sit and watch Henry drink and I think of what is to come. Soon we will be taking a voyage to go see Daenerys Targaryen and she is going to have the North's King, Queen, and Heir in her hands. I cannot believe that we are all going on this adventure. It will for sure be dangerous and I cannot believe that this is happening.

My thoughts are interrupted as glenda walks in. "Oh my lady, I didn't mean to intrude." She says bowing and going to walk out. "I believe that Henry is almost done Glenda," I say looking down and Henry and sure enough he was all filled up. "Do you want me to take him my lady?" She asks approaching me. "Can you change him and put him in warm clothes, I want to go with him outside so he can see the true beauty of Winterfell." I say smiling and handing Henry over to her. 

"Of course my lady," she says and quickly goes into Henry's room. Although Henry has been sleeping with Ramsay and I since he was a babe, we decided it would be best that he starts to sleep in his own room so he can be more independent. Also, Ramsay thought that it would be best so that we could have the room all to ourselves. I specifically remember Ramsay saying "I love our son, but I need my wife back" with a smile on his face. 

"He is all ready my lady," Glenda says giving Henry back to me. Henry was in a small cloak that was just the right size for him. He had his little shoes on and was ready to go. "Thank you Glenda, I am so thankful that you are coming with us on this trip. I know this wasn't in your job description." I say smiling at her. "I am here to serve my lady," she says as she leaves.

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