Chapter 28

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Sansa's POV:

"Well at least if we are going to be captive here the rooms are nice," I say jokingly at Ramsay. I place Henry on the floor and he crawls around while Ramsay moves some of our things in. "It is going to work, we are going to get her to trust us and we are going to save our family." Ramsay said sitting on the bed by Henry.

"I still cannot believe how big he is. I was actually talking to Glenda a few days ago and she said that Henry is walking very soon for his age and she hasn't seen anything like it." I say smiling down at out son. "He is amazing," Ramsay said looking up at me. Ramsay stands up and walks towards me. "I cannot wait to have a bigger family with you," Ramsay said wrapping his arms around my stomach. "What if you have another little one in your right now," Ramsay said kissing the back of my neck.

"Ramsay," I say reaching up behind me and cradling his neck in my hand. "I'm going to see if they have a maester or someone here to look at you. I just have a feeling. You are glowing." Ramsay said stepping away and I sigh from the loss of contact.

"You have been acting differently, much more aroused by my presence. Something is up." Ramsay said with a smile on his face. "Ramsay don't get too excited." I say shaking my head "I never told you but when you were pregnant with Henry I sensed that you were pregnant just like how I am sensing it now," Ramsay said rubbing his hands together. 

"Oh you think you know," I say walking towards him "Oh darling, I hope so I was beginning to miss your swollen breasts." Ramsay said giving my breasts a squeeze. "And I love how aroused you get when you are pregnant" Ramsay said giving me a hug from behind and squeezing my thighs while kissing my neck.

"Let's wait until tomorrow Ramsay I just want to be with you tonight." I say turning around and kissing him. "I can wait until tomorrow," he said kissing me one more time. "I'm going to see how everyone else is settling in," Ramsay said stepping away from me again. "I'll be here with Henry" I say sitting down beside our son and I cradle him in my arms.


"Lady Sansa of Winterfell" A guard said at out door. "Come in," I say weary wondering what is going to happen. "May I present to you Daenerys Targaryen." And before I know it Daenerys is standing in my bedroom. I stand up quickly to look presentable. I bow to her and then stand back up straight. "I am sorry for the unexpected visit, but I wanted to hear your story."

"I'my sorry my lady, but my story?" I say confused. "Well I don't think that you came to Ramsay willingly." She said to me. 

She wants to know how I met Ramsay. How can I tell her what he did to me.... Tell her how he took advantage of me. How he was different...

"Well Winterfell was my home and I was happy to go back to it no matter the price." I say trying to get myself out of the question. "One thing that I pride myself on is reading people. You are quite hard to read at times, but right now you are like an open book." Daenerys said seeing right though me. "I can tell with Ramsay that he depends on you and loved you very much." She said.

"An alliance starts with trust Sansa," Daenerys said waiting for me to tell her the true story.

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