flat no...306.

37 16 8

Next morning... i woke up with the same happy smile on face.I heard  long muffled screams.It must be from the play area.I rushed to the balcony and caught some people playing 'chain'.I wish I could go there...but i can't. I just got a warning yesterday. But i stood in the balcony watch the people play.Just then...i caught a sight of big truck with some heavy load in it entering the apartment building. I just ignored it as i continued to see the game again.While turning back to my room...i lifted my head and caught the glimpse of the same guy i have seen before on the 19th floor in that 30 storeyed building next lane.He is shirtless this time too.I dropped my gaze from him and entered into my room.Completing the morning essentials and shower...i waited for my dad to leave for his work.Once he is out...i headed to the kitchen to know whether my mom want any help i can do for her.she is done with everything and served the breakfast for me and her. We talked about the items we can make for the potluck till we are done with it.

We headed to the living room and mom switched on the television. She scrolled every channel and i haven't found anything interesting.

"Oh god!what should i do now...there is nothing to do.i haven't planned my day.Its going to be bored today.please...i wish for the Saturday to arrive soon."

Just then the door bell rang.I made my way to the front door and opened it.I found a tall man towering me.His face is  structured square with lite beard.He held a sweet box in his hand.

"Hello.I am Mr.sheker.We are new here.I am just gonna stay right beside you in 306."

"Ohh...hi.Its nice meeting you.please come in."

As he entered the hallway.I introduced my mom to him.Within no time...there appeared two kids.One is boy..and the other is girl.

"Here are my kids."

"Aww...they look soo cute.i guess they are twins right...?"

""Yeah.They look cute but they are too naughty".

I just smiled touching their cheeks.

"Please make sure to come to my house when you got some time."


He then ,handed me the pack of sweets and said..."thanks...i will take a leave for now.There are many things to set up and the truck  with all the stuff just  arrived now...see you later."

"Okay...feel free to ask if you need any help"


"Its ok..."

He vanished through the front door.Now...i am confused what to do.I searched for some magazines and started reading them.I read them for 2 hours.I felt bored.I plopped down on bed staring the ceiling. After sometime i stepped into the balcony and found no one in the play area.I am back into my room again.I peeked through the window and gazed at the busy road for some time.Just then my mom called out for lunch.As i opened the room door...i found my bro heading into his room.He never even glanced at me.Rushing... he closed his room door.I lead my way to the dining room.My mother is serving the food for me in the plate.

"Haven't you called bro for the lunch mom...?"

"He just finished his and headed to play in his room"

"Ohh ok...what about you??"

"I am done with mine along with him".


Then she made her way to the living room and got involved in her television series.I was the only one sitting in the dining room without a company. They would have called me out to have lunch along with them...But they didn't. Releasing a sigh...i started eating silently. While i am cleaning the plate ,i heard the door bell rang.I looked at my mom...she got too involved in the Tv. I made my way to the front door expecting Mr.shekhar out there but to my surprise...i found Lasya and ayushi at the door step.



"We have planned to play some games in the play area.Would you like to join us...??"

My heart is jumping out of joy but i don't know what my mother says.

"Just a minute... i will ask my mom and tell you"

They stared  each other for a second  and said  " okay...sure"

I headed to living room and asked my mom whether i could join them.She said okay thinking for a second and also said to make sure that i should be at home before my father arrives.I am happy that she said ok.

I lead my way to the front door and saw Lasya and ayushi talking and grinning at each other.once i reached them...i said

"Hey...i am joining you guys now."

"That's pretty cool"

Smiling at each other...we entered the elevator and the doors slide closed.

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