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As i stood in front of Aarav...he caught hold of my hand with care and pulled me closer brushing my body to his.My breathe hitched.Now...he snaked his arms around my back.I felt his warmth all over me and also the rush of helplessness which i never felt before in my life.As far i remember... he is the first  guy to touch me keeping aside of family.I jerked back and parted my self from him.A kind of tension passed through my spines.My palms  are sweating and all my body just got freezed for a moment.My hands are a bit shivering.He eyes are still on me.We never left each others gaze.I wanna go back home running.But i guess...I cant even place a step properly cause of the shiver feel.Somehow...I opened my mouth and told... "I need to go home."He stood silent still having his eyes on me.I headed to the elevator."What happened...?? "ayushi yelled. I havent replied.I got into the elevator and the doors slide closed.My heart is trembling with panic.Oh god....I couldn't even stand perfectly... Why is this happening to me...?I could also feel my blood passing faster than ever.
As the doors opened,I lead my way to the front door.That's when i spotted Mr.shekhar coming out of this flat along with his family and clicking the door shut.



"Meet my wife... priyanka"

I said "Hello..."to her.

"Is everything fine with you...?"


"Your sweating hard..."

"Oh...i was with my friends playing Chain down."

"Ohh...thats good.Okay...i will see you later...we are heading out to bring some decorative items."

"yeah sure.Have a nice time."

  They smiled at me and left towards the elevator.My hands are still shivering and i am getting drenched with sweat.I rushed to my room.My mom is not awake yet.So i just crumbled the note i have written and put it into the trash.I closed my room door.I don't know why my eyes got blurred and i am lost in thoughts.
  As i heard someone calling out my name...not someone...its my dad.I tried to make my self steady.

"what made him come home soo early...?and... calling me...?."This happens once in a blue moon.I rush to my bathroom and washed my face and then headed to the living room.My mom is sitting  next him on the sofa.

"What made you take this much time to come here...?"

"Dad...i am in the washroom."

"Is everything fine sweety...??its mom."

"Yeah mom..."

"Go and pack your bag for a week.You and mom are heading to Uncle's house." Its dad.


Many questions crossed my mind but i cant question them back.I entered my room and started packing my bag.Once i am done...Curiosity took the best part of my self.So i headed to my mom's room.I saw her packing her bag.I entered her room and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Are you done...?"mom asked.


"You need any help mom...?"

"Yes...make some rotis.We dont have much time to get started."

I said..."okay" and headed to kitchen and started making some rotis.But my inner being is still near Aarav.I want to tell him that I will not be here for a week.The situations haven't favoured me.I haven't seen him or told him anything.I actually dont want to go there...to my uncle's house.My school is about to start.I should get some essentials before it gets started and i even dont know why we are heading there and i haven't asked my mom about that.May be cause of Aarav....oh my god...I need to divert myself from him but i can't. He always flashed in my thoughts.

As the time passed... we had dinner.Mom and Dad kept on talking.I somehow sorted that we are heading to my Uncle's house on a purpose. Its cause of my aunt.She is conceive and in need of bed rest.They need our help.The time arrived and we headed down.My mom and I are waiting for my dad to bring the car from parking lot.I lifted my head up and took a glace around apartment building. I spotted someone stood in balcony above mine.It must be Aarav.I am not confirm if that is him cause of darkness.My dad arrived.. we got into car and my dad drove off.

The roads are free of traffic as the clock strike 10.30.My parents are talking to each other about my dad's work and the company.I am silent and got bored with their conversation.I asked my mom to give her mobile so that i could listen to songs.My dad reacted.

"Is this the time to enjoy the songs.You understand... that your aunt is sick ...???"

I never uttered a word.May be...as he said...it isn't the time.It took 3 hours to reach my Uncle's place and all through the journey I was silent.I could see nothing out of the window except darkness.As we knocked the door...my uncle opened it.We exchanged greetings and after some regular my dad drove back home as he have some work and also my brother is at home alone... leaving me and mom there.I stood silent still.what i have to do here for a week...??Being silent....???


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