Chapter 14

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    The next day Beam woke up early and left a note, for the still sleeping Forth, that he had to go. He got dressed as quick as he could and left. He didn’t want Forth to wake up.

    After getting home Beam locked his door and turned off all the lights, climbing into his bed. He was tired. He hadn’t slept at all the night before. He needed to be by himself. He played some music on his phone and let himself drift off into much-needed sleep.

    A few hours later, around one, Beam was awoken by his phone ringing loudly in his ear. He grabbed it and, without checking the caller ID, answered it.

    “Beam?” Forth’s voice sounded tired and confused. Beam shot up out of bed.


    “Where did you go?” He asked. Beam closed his eyes and inhaled a shaky breath.

    “I went home.” Beam admitted. Forth chuckled softly on the other end.

    “Why? Are you coming back?” He questioned. A warm tear slid down Beam’s cheek.

    “I’m not.” He said, his voice breaking. “I think we shouldn’t see each other anymore.” Forth chuckled on the other end before getting quiet for a few moments.

    “You aren’t serious, are you?” He asked. Beam nodded his head to no one.

    “I am. I really like you Forth. Hell, I may even love you, but I can’t be with you.” Beam said. “I have to go now. One more thing before I do though. Take the scholarship. Do the program. It’s for the best.” He said before hanging up and not listening to Forth’s reply.

    Before Beam could even set his phone down it started ringing again. It was Forth again. Beam sighed before declining the call and turning off his phone. He opened his nightstand drawer and set his phone in there. He laid back in bed looking up at the ceiling. His head hurt and he wasn’t feeling good.

    “Why?” He asked himself whispering silently. He closed his eyes and let the tears fall.

    Over the next few days Beam went to school and then back home straight after. He turned his phone back on but didn’t really take calls from anyone. Especially Forth.

    He got countless messages from him and other people but ignored them. He hardly slept and when he did he would wake up many times throughout the night. He couldn’t stop thinking about Forth. He had this urge to talk to him but knew that it would ruin him.

    Beam was sitting on his couch watching TV when someone knocked on his door. He was hesitant to get up but answered it anyway. When he opened the door Yo was standing there in front of him. He sighed, thankful that it wasn’t Forth.

    “You look like shit.” He said. Beam laughed and nodded. He moved out of the way to let him in.

    “I know. What are you doing here?” He asked. Yo sighed and sat down on the couch.

    “Everyone is worried about you, especially Forth.” He said looking up at Beam. Beam shook his head.

    “I’ve been busy.” He said sitting down on his bed picking up a book. Yo scoffed and shook his head.

    “I don’t believe you. Forth told us what happened between you guys. You’re also not answering anyone's calls.” He said crossing his arms and eyeing Beam.

    “What are you doing here, Yo?” Beam asked. Yo sighed.

    “I came to tell you that Forth wants to see you.”

    “I’m not going but I think you should.” Beam said looking up from the book. Yo sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

    “Just think about it. He’s really hurting, you know. You had no right to do that over the phone. He deserves for you to at least talk to him. Call him. Do something.” He said before leaving, slamming the door a little hard.

    Beam grabbed his pillow and stuffed his face into it, screaming loudly.

    “FUCK!” He said throwing his pillow to the floor.

    Beam grabbed his phone turning it on and pulling up Forth’s contact. His finger hovered over it for a few moments before clicking on it.


    My finger clicked on his contact name and the choice to call popped up. I sighed deeply before pushing the call button. I put the phone to my ear and heard two rings before he answered.

    “Beam?” When he spoke the sound of his voice made my heart break. He sounded tired. I couldn’t say anything. “Beam? Are you there?” I sighed deeply before answering.

    “Forth.” I said softly. I heard him sigh deeply.

    “I’m glad you called.” He said laughing.

    “Yo said that you wanted to talk to me.” My voice was already shaking.

    “I do. I want to talk. We need to talk.” He said. I nodded.

    “I think we should.” I said agreeing with him. He sighed.

    “Name a time and place. I’ll be there.” He said. I smiled sadly. He was always so nice and that’s what made me fall for him. He does whatever anyone asks, even if it doesn’t benefit him.

    “Just meet me at the coffe shop tomorrow at eight.” I said.

    “I’ll be there.” He said before hanging up.

    I sighed and set the phone down.

    This was going to be hard.


This was kind of a crappy chapter. Sorry.

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