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I stayed at the Morgan's house all day after we left the store. It would've been wrong to leave the Morgan's with my family. I decided to help them as much as I could; especially, keeping as much space between them as possible. Every time one of my family members called for something - which was way too often - I went to interact with them and see what it was they wanted. Better believe my family takes advantage of free service.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted, but couldn't go to sleep. That happened way too often. I was tired but thoughts ran rampant.

I wasn't surprised when I saw Kayla sitting outside with her jazz music and knitting kit. Her head was laid back and her eyes were closed. I could tell she wasn't sleeping, but I knew she had to be just as exhausted as I was. Although I helped a little, my family was still a lot.

"Hey," I said sitting next to her with my Oreo's and milk. She gave me a weak smile once she saw it was me. "Hi," she responded softly.

"Tough day?" I teased. "I mean..." she began with an apologetic look.

"It's okay. I know my family is tough." I sat down next to her and began eating the Oreo's. "You're different from them," she commented while observing me.

"I'm glad you think so," I chuckled. "No seriously. You're a lot more serious, but real. I sense they have a side of them I haven't seen."

"You have no idea," I scoffed. Even though they were constantly asking for things, she still didn't see the side of them that I saw. The side that was more spiteful.

"So what do you say to the photo?" she asked me. "I got Ethan, Jack, and Rebecca. I also got Jesse and her kids."

"Wait, who's Rebecca?"

"Your cousin's girlfriend! You don't know her name?" she asked in disbelief. "I didn't think it was important." I shrugged. She gasped, "rude!"

"Anyway... how come you didn't ask my aunts?" I raised an eyebrow. She bit her lip looking away. I began to laugh at the realization.

"You're scared of them."

"No! They just make me nervous. They're so..."

"Obnoxious, rude, haughty-"

"Okay, okay. I get it. I wouldn't use those words, but..." I cut her off with a look that said she was lying. She rolled her eyes back.

"Don't take a picture of them. It's not worth it. In plus, you wouldn't want to remember them anyway. Trust me."

She shook her head at me smiling. I knew she didn't understand. She was full of sunshine and stuff like that. Nothing bad happened to her. All she could see was the so called "good" in people. She could never see them for who they really were.

"Funeral's tomorrow," she stated not looking at me but knitting. "Yeah..." I sighed. I was not looking forward to it and I didn't know what could happen, but I knew the possibilities.

"I will be praying for you and your family. The Waters are very nice people."

I had talked to the Pastor once Kayla told me he would be glad to host my Uncle's funeral. I explained to him what I wanted and he told me he'd give a good honest speech. I was going to do the eulogy. He had offered to go to Georgia with me to bury him, but I didn't feel it was necessary. He was a cool guy, though.

"Thanks, Kayla. For all you have done. I really appreciate you and Miss Keirah for helping us. And your father, too, even though I haven't met him yet." That was particularly interesting to me. I'd only been there for three days, but I'd expected at least one entrance.

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