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On our way back to Georgia, I got to learn more about Layton and Gavin's relationship with him. It was so sweet how they'd known each other for such a long time and Gavin had been there for him. Gavin made himself seem so standoffish and cold, but with Layton, he had the warmest heart.

My daddy had a raised eyebrow as he saw me walk in with two guys. Of course, I had told my mother where I was going. I assumed she had told him too. I knew I wasn't gonna face that challenge myself.

Mama came up right behind Daddy.

"Why, who is this?" She asked with a bright smile on her face.

"This is Layton. Layton this is Miss Keirah and Mr. Morgan. I was hoping that Layton could stay here with me for some time. He can stay in the room with me and Jack."

"Well, of course, he can."

Layton had been looking around our house in awe. He had barely paid attention to my parents in front of him.

"This is a real nice and big house," he said amazed. "It's the biggest house I ever been in. You must be rich."

Daddy's face softened once he heard Layton speak.

"Why don't y'all come eat lunch," Daddy said. I was a little surprised he was being softer but glad he wasn't looking how he was previously.

As we ate lunch, Layton enjoyed talking to my daddy. They talked about all kinds of things and it was the first time I really saw my daddy enjoy time with another male younger than him.

"Layton really likes your dad. Your dad seems to be a really good guy. I think Layton likes the father-figure." His words settled and made sense.

"You know what, I think my daddy likes the son-figure."

After lunch, my daddy decided to show Layton his collection of Star Wars memorabilia after talking about it non stop at lunch.

Gavin and I stepped outside. We sat in our usual rocking chairs. I was wrapped up in a sweater while he was wearing his black jacket.

"I feel almost at peace again," Gavin said with a sigh.

"Almost?" I asked.

"I feel like I need to make it right with a few more people."

"Like who?"

"Well, I would say, for one, Willy. I judged him and wasn't so kind. I believe I should apologize."

A grin spread across my face and my heart warmed. "I'm sure he'll accept your apology."

"Do you know when he'll be back over?" I shook my head.

"But I know where he lives."

I was so tired of climbing up into his ugly Jeep. I did what I had to do for friends, though.

I showed Gavin how to get to Willy's "home." It was in an empty parking lot where a Kmart used to be. The building had yet to be bought and occupied. We pulled up next to Willy's beat-up red 1964 Corvette Stingray. It wasn't drivable and the parking lot was kind of hidden in the back so he didn't have to worry about anyone stealing it. Gavin's mouth was hanging open.

"He wasn't lying," I told him.

Willy was in the front knitting some gloves.

"What y'all doin' over here?" He asked cheerfully. "We came to see you. I thought I knit you some gloves, Willy."

"These is it right here. I messed him up. Sorry, child." He shrugged.

Gavin cleared his throat, and Willy finally looked up.

"What's goin' on chief?" Willy asked.

"Willy, I wanted to apologize. I pre-judged you and assumed you were up to no good. I know I was pretty stand-offish when I first met you. I'm sorry."

Willy grinned at Gavin. "Well, I'll be... I knew the cat had something' up his behind. I didn't expect him to admit it," Willy said cackling.

"You alright. Ain't no harm done." Willy let his hand out for a shake and Gavin took it.

"This is a nice car you got here. Looks a little dinged up, though," Gavin mentioned.

"Ah yeah. First and last car I bought. Worked some years ago, but I couldn't keep up with the maintenance."

Gavin nodded and took a look around the car.

"You get you some gas?" I asked.

"In the trunk."

As badly as Mama, Daddy, and I tried helping Willy, he would not take it. Sometimes I felt like he preferred living in his car. I didn't get it.

"I can fix it up for you," Gavin said. "Oh nah, chief. You ain't got to do that," Willy rejected immediately. As usual.

"Come on, Willy. You'd be doing me a favor. I really want to work on this car and I don't think I'll ever get the chance to again." Gavin looked at him with pleading eyes.

Willy's face softened. "If you want to."

My mouth dropped open. I couldn't believe Willy would actually let him help. He never let us do it. Daddy had offered plenty of times to get him a new car even.

"Great! I'll start on it this week."

As Gavin and I drove back to my house, I still couldn't believe Willy's acceptance of help.

"You know, Willy never lets anyone help him. Ever. We have to beg him to take money for groceries."

"Willy is a man of pride. Men, especially men from a certain era, don't believe in help. In his eyes, I needed the help. I want to fix his car. So he's giving me the opportunity to do so. Not me helping him get his car fixed. You see?"

I nodded my head slowly catching on. As sad as it was, I was just glad he would finally be able to get around a bit easier. It also gave me an idea. 

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