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New Year's Eve. The day before my birthday. Every year, exactly after the countdown was over and we yell "Happy New Year," everyone sings Happy Birthday to me. There's always a crazy rush feeling that goes through me when that happens. And this time, Gavin would be there to make it even crazier.

All-day Mama and I were preparing for the New Year's Eve party. She was cooking, obviously, while Erica and I were setting up the house.

"So, you and Gavin," Erica stated. "Y'all are together?" She asked. "Yeah," I said feeling a little shy to say it to someone else.

"That's cute. He is fine," she said, laughing. "Oh yeah, I know."

Gavin popped in and out. He'd been doing that for the past few days. I was wondering what he was up to.

"So, I assume he's gonna be your New Years' kiss," she said. My stomach dropped. I hadn't even thought about that. We hadn't kissed yet. All I could do was just wait and find out. Anxiously.

As I was walking around making sure everything was set up properly, Daddy stopped me.

"Hey, babygirl. Let me talk to you for a minute," he said. I walked over with him to the living room couch.

"I talked to Gavin and I've been seeing y'all around here," he said. I felt like my heart must've stopped.

"Don't worry. I didn't threaten to kill him or anything. I actually just wanted to say that I really like him. I can see that he really likes you and cares about you. And if you are dating or wanting to date him, then you have my approval."

I was stunned. My daddy of all people approved of the guy that I liked. It meant a lot to me and that really confirmed to me that Gavin was the one I should be with.

That night we all had fun playing games, listening to music, and just talking and hanging out. Gavin and I were beating everyone on team games. What surprised me the most that night is Willie's appearance.

When I opened the door to let him in, he had on a suit. His hair was done and he smelled amazing. If I didn't recognize his hazel eyes, I would've thought he was someone else.

"Willie! Oh my goodness. Look at you. You look amazing," I said. "W-w-w-what..."

"Let's just say an angel came bearing gifts."

That made me ten times happier. It was by far, my best New Years' Eve.

As time got closer to the ball drop, I got nervous. Were Gavin and I gonna do the New Years' kiss?

Because of how nervous I was, of course, time had to fly by. We were five minutes away and I saw Gavin making his way over toward me. He didn't say anything, he just smiled and sat down next to me.

I had some sparkling grape juice in my cup. I didn't need alcohol to feel on top of the world, though.

Soon it was one minute left. We all stood up and started counting down.


Nothing. He didn't do anything. I was so surprised that I forgot about my birthday until everyone started singing Happy Birthday (Stevie Wonder version too) and the cake came out. Gavin stepped back actually and watched as everyone hugged me and wished me a happy birthday.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him watching me and sipping on his drink.

Once everyone was done hugging and saying happy new year, Gavin grabbed my hand and took me outside. As soon as we got out there, he took my face with his hands and took my lips with his own. I didn't count, but I knew we kissed for longer than a minute. My lips hurt at the end and despite the cold weather, I was warm.

"Thank you," I said giddily. "No, thank you," he said. He wrapped his arms around me. "I didn't want to do a cliche twelve o'clock kiss. Especially not in front of so many people who want to see it."

I rose on my toes and gave him another kiss. "Understood."

"So, listen. That necklace I got you was really expensive. So, I kind of didn't get you anything for your birthday. Anything tangible that is," he said sorrowfully.

"It's okay, Gavin. I have you now. And you're pretty tangible."

He kissed my cheek and pulled away from me. "I've been kind of busy during these last few days and I'm sorry. I know you wanted to spend more time with me before I left."

I looked down, pained at the thought of him leaving. "Yeah, but it's okay. You'll be back, right?"

"I'm not gonna be visiting a lot. At all actually."

"What?" I asked feeling crushed suddenly. "Is it too much of a drive? I can visit you sometimes too!" I stated.

"But that's the thing, I don't want you visiting me," he said. I could see him trying not to smile.

"This isn't funny, Gavin. Are you trying to break up with me already?"

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close quickly. "Never. I'm trying to tell you that I'm moving here."

My whole heart jumped out of me. I was so excited I couldn't breathe for a second.

"Stop. Stop lying," I said hitting his arm. "I'm not. I promise I wouldn't joke about this. I'm gonna keep my uncle's house, quit my job, and start one here."

Tears welled up and sprung out from me quickly. I hugged and squeezed him so tightly.

"I'm so happy," I said. I was getting his shirt wet.

"We should go in before you get pneumonia," I said. Kissing me, he said, "you're right."

This truly was the best birthday and New Years ever. 


Done finally! After a whole doggone year. 

I really hope you enjoyed this story and learned something good and useful.  

Stay tuned for some more stories.  It's gonna be some months, though. I have a story brewing in my heart that will be coming out in the summertime. 

In the meantime, you can get my book Grapes Bridges and Stars (different than the one on here) at Amazon. You can also read my other stories on here (my personal favorite is Cream Soda).

See you later, loves! 

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