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Once Kayla and I got back to her house, we went our separate ways. She has things to do around the house and I needed to talk to someone.

I knocked on the door of the room I used to be in. Seeing her face once she opened the door, my stomach twisted. She looked completely shocked to see me. I would be too.

"Can we talk?" I asked

"Of course!" She stepped out of the way for me to come in. The room was neat and was drenched in the smell of her perfume. I just stood awkwardly by the bed, not wanting to make it seem like I was comfortable enough to sit.

"I've been thinking a lot in the past day. It's no secret that I've been avoiding you since you got here. It's - you are the hardest thing I've ever had to face in my life." Not even death itself could make my stomach turn as she did.

"But just because you did what you did, doesn't give me an excuse to treat you any less. I should've been better, and for that, I'm sorry."

I looked her straight in the eyes, trying my best to keep myself together. For a minute, she just stared back at me as if she was still in shock. Then, her eyes began to water and a tear slipped down her cheek. She stepped a foot closer to me.

"Gavin, I can't tell you enough how sorry I am. I feel so awful for leaving you. I really do. I know I can't make it up to you. If you don't want to forgive me, I understand. Just please believe me. I feel so bad."

It was my turn to step closer. Weakly, I put a hand on her shoulder.

"I choose to forgive you. It's gonna take some time for me to fully trust you, and I may have to continuously forgive you, but I choose to. Not just for you, but for me. So I can move on. So I can heal."

It was like when I said those words, I could finally breath. My lungs could finally take in the air.

Before I could stop it, her arms were around me and squeezing me tightly. Surprisingly enough, my arms wrapped around her as well.

"I'm glad. Really. Thank you so much, Gavin," she said thankfully. "I'm trying to be better. I'm going to church now."

"Are you still with that guy?" I asked curiously. She nodded. "He's actually the one that got me into church. He got into a car accident last summer. Was in a coma for a few weeks. When he woke up, it was like he was a new person."

My eyebrows rose in surprise.

"He's really helped me to see the error in my ways. Going to church helped me to see I needed to apologize. Not just to God, but to my family."

My heart was pounding against my chest. This whole time, while I didn't know it, God was working on my mother. He cared.

"Wow. That's amazing," I said not able to find more words. "I think God is trying to work on me too," I added.

"I can tell. And I think he's using that girl you're always with. Kayla, isn't it?" She asked. I smiled just thinking of her.

"Yeah, Kayla."

The corner of her lip tugged up and a slight chuckle passed her lips.

"You like this Kayla girl."

"We're actually kind of dating now," I mentioned. Her eyes widened and a grin spread across her lips.

"Wow. So what are you gonna get her for Christmas?"

My eyebrows scrunched in confusion. I hadn't thought about that at all. I mean we had just started dating.

"Don't tell me you don't have a gift!" I gave her an apologetic smile.

"Let's go. Right now," she said, grabbing her coat.

"Where are we going?"

"To get a gift, duh!"

That's how I found myself at the mall going from store to store to find Kayla a gift.

Nothing seemed right. To be honest, I didn't know Kayla all too well, but I had a feeling she wasn't into anything expensive. Ironically.

Tiffany had us going into the most expensive stores too.

"I think Kayla is a simple kind of girl," I mentioned to her. Her face lit up.

"I know something that's real simple." I quickly followed her out of the Michael Kors store. She was speeding through the mall and I struggled to keep up with her. When she stopped in front of Pandora, my mouth dropped open. I knew she couldn't possibly think that I was going to be able to buy anything from there.

"Something as simple as a necklace or bracelet from here will do," she said, turning to me with a grin stretched across her face. There were some really nice necklaces and bracelets, but nothing under 200-dollars.

"I don't know," I said, shaking my head.

"Come on. Do you see the house that girl lives in? If you wanna impress her you have to get something impressive." Her words put a weight on me like no other. Kayla was used to luxury. Sure she was nice, but once she sees that I don't have the kind of money she's used to, she'll be over me quicker than I can say "hop-scotch."

But I wanted to be with Kayla. If it meant spending some money, then fine.

"Alright, let's look." 

I Eat Oreosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें