Chapter 4: Unknown Renegade

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In the Shepherds garrison, the Shepherds were in a room as they try to come up with a way to fight against the oncoming Risen attacks. Ever since they've returned, the amount of Risen has increased dramatically. With the loss of both Chrom and Robin, their morale was damaged as they no longer have a leader and a tactician. A messenger hastily ran into the room and reported about one of the recent Risen attack, the very one which some of the younger Shepherds went to.

"Damn it!" Sully cursed, slamming her fist onto the table. "How did the Risen managed to capture them?!"

"C-Calm down, Sully!" Stahl spoke.

"This is getting out of hand..." Frederick gritted. "We are losing more than we thought. If this keeps going, We are sure to falter from both the Risen and the Plegians."

"Indeed. With both Robin and Morgan now gone, we can barely come up with any counters in this predicament." Miriel said.

"Robin..." Lissa got out, sitting on a stool. "This can't be true right? Robin can't be working against us. And Chrom's not... not..."

"Easy there, Cupcake." Gaius calmly said, sitting next to her. "Just let it out. Don't hold it back."

Lissa tried her best not to cry, but she ended up bursting into tears. Gaius gently patted her head as she leaned and cried onto his tunic. The outburst from Lissa caused a slight demoralize to the others.

"What do we do now?" Ricken spoke. "Do we go and save them?"

"That is a risky idea. For one, we don't know how many Risen were there." Frederick said. "And if they were to set up an ambush, then we have to take major precautions."

"Gah! This is getting us nowhere!" Vaike exclaimed.

"Hey, everyone! Y'all gots to know this!" Donnel yelled, running in.

"Not now, Donnel. We are still in a meeting." Frederick stated.

"I know! But the other kids are 'ere! And so's that dragon lady!" He spouted, catching their attention.

"What?! Are you certain, Donnel!" Maribelle demanded.

"I swear on the village I was raised'n! It's no lie, Maribelle!"

"Can I enter?" Tiki spoke, entering the room with a cloak covering her. Everyone was surprised at the sight of the voice of Naga herself.

"Lady Tiki! You're unharmed." Frederick said.

"Yes. But I am only here to give everyone here a warning." She said.

"What sort of warning, Lady Tiki?" Sumia asked.

"Amongst everyone here, there lies a traitor working for Robin."

"A traitor..." Miriel got out. "Do you have any clue on who that might be?"

"I don't." Tiki shook her head. "I manage to escape from the Risen. But as I arrived here, I felt a presence somewhere in this very area."

"So anyone of us could be a spy, huh?" Gaius said.

"I wonder who it is? It could even be me! Nya ha ha!" Henry laughed.

"You're not helping with the situation!" Panne scolded.

"Donnel, you said that the other children have returned as well, correct?" Frederick asked.

"Y-Yes! They're also hurt'n very bad!"

"This cannot do. Lissa, let's help them." Maribelle said, grabbing her staff.


Both Maribelle and Lissa exited the room quickly, leaving the remaining Shepherds there. One question lingers in everyones mind, who is the traitor amongst them.
Meanwhile, in Plegia Castle, Aversa entered a room where Robin was with Lucina. The sudden entrance caught both of their attention as Aversa bowed.

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