Chapter 6: Melodic Plot

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"Gragh!" Vaike exclaimed after being knocked down by several soldiers. He had been wounded badly and was weakened due to fatigue. Cherche managed to reach in time before the soldiers could kill him and shoved them aside with Minerva's help.

The Shepherds and Ylissean soldiers were losing their stance upon the battlefield. With the Plegian army beginning to attack more aggressively, they managed to cut the Ylissean army's number down rapidly. Frederick gritted his teeth, knowing that if they were to fall here, then Plegia would've won.

Out of a sudden, something exploded in the sky within the borders of Ylisse, catching the attention of everyone. Aversa caught sight of it as she flew her pegasus closer.

"All forces, retreat!" She ordered.

Immediately, the soldiers began to flee back as the Ylisseans were stunned at the sudden command. They were a hair away from invading the borders of Ylisstol, and yet they decided on falling back. What caught Frederick's attention was that Aversa flying her pegasus into the capital. Realising this, he whipped the reins on his horse and rode after her.

It wasn't long until he arrived at Castle Ylisse. He stopped his horse when he saw Robin getting onto Aversa's Pegasus. What shocked him further was in her hands was her child, Lucina. The Fell Vessel noticed the Great Knight and simply smiled. Before Frederick could do anything, Aversa's Pegasus has already begun to take off. His eyes kept on the two when a wyvern followed them before gasping at the sight of Gerome and Lucina on the said wyvern.

Robin looked back as Aversa's pegasus flew further away from the capital. She watched as the Ylissean soldiers returned back into the border and the Shepherds aiding those who were injured badly. Robin then glanced to the castle as she smiled slyly before she looked back to front.

"Milady. I don't understand." Aversa spoke. "Why are we retreating when those Ylisseans have next to nothing against our army? With a little more push, we would have broken through."

"I'll explain to you once we've returned." Robin simply answered. "For now, We just have to wait."

Aversa looked confused but didn't think too much of it. When they returned to Castle Plegia, Morgan was there to greet them.

"Welcome back!" He exclaimed. "How did it go?"

"All according to plan, Morgan." She said.

The young lad soon noticed Lucy in Robin's arms as the little toddler had a confused look. Morgan got close to her as she stared back, tilting her head. Robin chuckled slightly as Lucy started to reach to her 'little' brother.

"Do you want to carry her, Morgan?"

"Huh? Uh, sure." Morgan carefully held onto Lucy as his 'older sister' began to laugh cheerfully, bringing a smile to his face. "Hey there, Lucina! It's nice to meet you."

At that point, the older Lucina walked up to them with a slightly embarrassed look. She watched as her brother interacts with her younger self until the toddler looked to her and began to reach out to her as well.

"I think she wants you to carry her, Lucina." Morgan said, walking to her.

"U-Um... I don't think..." She got out. Lucina looked to her younger self as she tried desperately to reach to her. She sighed and relents. Morgan passed Lucy to her as she giggled more to her older self. "H-Hi, L-Lucina."

"I think to make things less confusing, we'll address the younger you as Lucy." Robin said.

"That would be a lot easier." Morgan smiled, his arms behind his head. He then remembered something. "Oh yeah. Cynthia and the others tried to escape while I was gone."

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