I know you

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Bruce was sitting in the GCPD. He was looking for anything that could lead him to find Selina. It had been a few days since she killed Jeremiah and he hasn't seen her since.
"Master Bruce" he hears a British voice say.
"Alfred What are you doing here" he asks.
"I'm was wondering the same thing about you. Why are you here" he asks. Bruce sighs.
"I'm looking for Selina" I tell him. He sighs.
"You know that Jeremiah deserved to die" he says.
"Yes but it makes Selina a murder. Like me" I say.
"No your not. You both had to kill them to ensure the safety of everyone else" he says. I shake my head.
"I'm going to find Selina" he says waking out of the GCPD.

Bruce walks into the sirens club. He sees people drinking until he sees a curly haired girl drinking at the bar. He walks over to her.
"Selina" he says. She takes a shot.
"What do you want" she says.
"What are you doing" I ask.
"Drinking" she says.
"Well stop I went down that road and it's not good" I say.
"Well you went down it for a completely different reasons" she says.
"Selina it doesn't matter. You thinking drinking is going to fix anything" I ask.
"Bruce just stop. Stop acting like you care about what happens with me because we both know you don't"she says taking a shot.
"You can't just assume I don't care about you when I do" I say. She shakes her head and walks away.

I follow Selina to the rooftop.
"Selina stop this. Stop the drinking. Stop thinking I don't care about you which is one thing that is never going to happen" I say.
"You don't care about me. I'm just street trash. A murder. And your Bruce Wayne billionaire" she says turning around.
"I don't care about the money. The money is just something I have but it's not the most important thing to me. Selina" I say grabbing her shoulder and turning her around.
"I know you. I know that this isn't you and that your scared to admit any feeling you have for anyone because your scared they will leave you like your mom did. But I'm not going anywhere" I say putting my hand on her face.
"You don't know me" she says.
"But I do" I say connecting our lips.

Bruce and Selina One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now