I think... 2/3

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I hope your not getting bored of the pregnancy one shots. Please comment some ideas.
It was the next day. Bruce was sitting in his study and waits for Selina to come. He looks at his breakfast when he hears Selina come in. He sees her standing there.
"You ready" he says. She nods her head. She walks to the bathroom and takes the test.

Bruce and Selina sit in silence looking at the test. The timer on Bruce's phone goes off. He turns it off and they both sigh before looking at each other. Selina goes and picks up the test. She looks at it.
She turns the test and shows it to Bruce.
"Ok... I'll make a appointment for us" he says before getting up and walking out of the room.

Bruce and Selina walk into the doctors office. Selina sits on the chair and Bruce sits on the one opposite her. The door opens and they see Lee.
"Bruce, Selina What are you doing here" she asks.
"We think I'm pregnant we need to make sure that I am" Selina says. Lee nods.
"Ok do you have any symptoms" she asks sitting down on the chair.
"Headaches, tiredness, cravings, morning sickness, mood swings" she says. Lee writes that onto a piece of paper.
"Ok I need you to get up onto the bed and lift your shirt up a little" she says. Selina gets up and walks over and lies on the bed. Bruce walks over and stands next to her.  Lee puts the wand thing on Selina's stomach and they see the screen.
"Ok that's you baby" she says pointing to the baby on the screen.
"It looks like you are about 6,7 weeks pregnant" she says. Selina nods.
"And here is the heartbeat" she says putting the volume on and they hear the heartbeat. Selina grabs onto Bruce's hand and holds it.
"That's our baby" Bruce says. Selina nods. Bruce wraps his arm around her.
"We are going to get through this together" he says. She nods.

Bruce and Selina get in the car. Selina sits and looks at the sonogram.
"Are we going to tell Alfred today" he asks. She nods not taking her eyes off of the picture. Bruce smiles.

Selina and Bruce walk into Wayne manor. Selina has the sonogram in her pocket. Bruce and Selina walk into the kitchen and see Alfred.
"Master Bruce... Miss Kyle good to see you" Alfred says.
"You to Alfred" she says.
"Well Miss Kyle What brings you here haven't seen you in about 2 months" he says.
"That's what we want to talk to you about Alfred" Bruce says.
Alfred gives them a confused look.
"Selina is pregnant" Bruce says. Alfred eyes go wide.
"With yours" Alfred says. Bruce nods.
"Well then I assume miss Kyle you will be living in the manor now then" he says. Selina shakes her head.
"No i can still love in the city" she says.
"On the streets with criminals I don't think so you are living here. I can drop you off at your apartment tomorrow and you can get your things. I will have a room ready for you" he says. Selina is shocked but nods her head.
"Ok then Master Bruce I will be on the second floor in one of the guest rooms getting it ready for Miss Kyle" he says walking out of the kitchen. They stand there for a minute.
"I don't know if that went good or bad" Selina says.
"I think good he seems to care" he says. Selina nods.
"So when are you going to tell Tabitha" he asks.
"She'll find out eventually" she says. He nods.
"So are you happy about this whole thing" he asks.
"I mean yeah it's just a bit inconvenient. I never thought I would have the chance to be a mom" she says.
"Are you happy it's with me" bruce asks. Selina freezes.
"I mean yeah it's better then some other guy right. Your probably the best guy to you know" she says says looking away. Bruce walks over and takes her hand.
"Selina What is this" he asks. She sighs.
"Bruce we have a baby to think about. Whatever we have can wait. It has to ok" she says. He gives her a small smile.
"Ok" he says.

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