Cats have 9 lives 2/2

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Bruce sat in the waiting room. His head in his hands.
He can't loose her. He almost lost her once. He isn't this time. Jeremiah wanted to kill her so that if he died He would be broken. And he was right. If Selina died Bruce wouldn't want to go on. Jeremiah was right.

Alfred comes and sits next to him. He hands him a cup of coffee.
"Thank you" Bruce says quietly. He stares at the cup.
"She is going to be ok Master Bruce" Alfred says.
"Alfred she was under there for so long cats don't water" he says. Alfred laughs.
"Not all of them" he says.

After hours of waiting a doctor comes out.
"Mr Pennyworth" the doctor says. Alfred stands up.
"Yes how is she" he asks.
"She is fine. She has been under there a while but we where able to revive her. She is sleeping at the minute but she should wake soon. You can go see her. She is in room 353" he says. Bruce runs down the hall. He opens the door to see Selina sleeping. He slowly walks over to the side of the bed and sits in the seat. Alfred walks into the room and sees Bruce looking at Selina.
"The doctor said that she will be awake by morning. I can bring you some clothes if you want" Alfred asks.
"If you don't mind" Bruce says not taking his eyes off Bruce.
"I'll be back in half an hour" he says.

Once Alfred leaves Bruce takes Selinas hand. He lifts it up and puts his head on it.
"I'm sorry for not getting you sooner. Cats don't like water" he chuckles a little.
"There are people in this world who love you. I'm one of those people. You have so many people who love you and you don't know it. If you left all of them would be devastated. I would be so much that I think I would kill myself because I wouldn't be able to stand the pain anymore" I say. I look at her.
"I love you so much that it hurt that you don't feel the same what but I want you to be happy and if I'm not it than I'm just going to have to get used to if. Loving you hurts me so much but I can't stop.
I love you" I say before putting her hand down and putting my head on the bed.
I all of a sudden feel someone puts their hand on my head and put their fingers in my hair. I look up and see Selina smirking at me. I look at her with tears in my eyes.
"I love you to" she says smiling at me. I grab the side of her mouth and kiss her. I kiss her for a few minutes before pulling away and resting my head on hers.
"I love you so much" I say.
"After that speech I don't question it" she says. I get on the bed and lie next to her and wrap my arms around her.
"I can't loose you" I say.
"Well cats have 9 lives I think I have a few left" she says. I laugh.

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