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Helena Wayne sits in the headmasters office her head down as she looks at her hands. She hears the door open and she turns and sees her mother walk in. Her mother gives her a angry look before she comes and sits next in the seat next to her. The headmaster sits in his chair and looks at the two.
"Mrs Wayne you are here today because your daughter has beaten up a boy at school. He had a broken nose and had to go to hospital because of that as well and he also had a concussion" he says.
"Do you know why Helena beat him up or is that what I need to figure out" she says.
"We don't know what the motive is so Helena would you like to say your side of the story" the headmaster says. Selina turns to her daughter and looks at her.
"Ok so the boy has been asking me out for sometime and sometime he tells people that I came over to his house and slept with him" she says. Selina's anger turns to a sympathetic look.
"Why didn't you tell me or your dad or Alfred" she says.
"I was to embarrassed" she says. Selina turns to the headmaster.
"I think there is something else that needs to sorted" she says.
"There is. I will say it to the boys parents and we will investigate it. Now Helena will still have to be suspended for a few days I will suspend her for 3 days which Mrs Wayne is much shorter then what would have been given which if there was a different motive then it would have been 2 weeks" he says.
"I think 3 days is a good amount thank you it should give you time to sort out what has been happening to my daughter" Selina says.
"It will be sorted by the time Miss Wayne returns on Thursday" he says.
"Thank you. Now come on Helena" Selina says getting up. Helena gets up and follows out after her mother.

Helena walks into the house as her siblings follow behind her. She walks in and stands as she watches her mother come in after her siblings.
"Ok kids can you go and do your homework while I have a talk with Helena. Alfred" Selina shouts. Alfred walks out.
"Selina" he says.
"Can you please make sure that the kids are in the homework room doing their homework please" she says.
"Yes Selina" he says.
"Thank you" she says. The other 11 children walk out of the room and down the hall. Selina turns to her daughter. Her daughter looks at her mother with terrified look. Selina smiles at her and hugs her.
"Good girl" she says. Helena is confused. She pulls away and looks at her mother weirdly.
"Your not mad" she asks.
"Why would I be mad you showed that boy never to mess with a Wayne. And to be fair this should make sure no kid ever bullies a Wayne again" she says. Helena smiles at her.
"Now go and watch some tv but makes sure everyone else doesn't see" she says. Helena laughs.
"Thanks mom" she says hugging her before going and watching tv.

Later that evening Bruce Wayne walks into the kitchen after a long day at work. He walks into the kitchen and sees his family sitting at the table. He walks over to his kids and kisses all 12 of their heads. He walks over to his wife and kisses her on the lips. They pull away.
"You must be exhausted" she says.
"I am" he says. She smiles.
"Well you must hear what happened" she says. Bruce gives her a confused look.
"Helena got suspended from school for beating up a boy who has been bullying her for a while" she says. Bruce's eyes go wide.
"The boy had a broken nose and everything" she says. Bruce gives his daughter a stern look.
"What aren't you proud of her for showing the school never to mess with a Wayne" she says.
"Selina I am happy she did something about it I'm just no happy she didn't tell us" he says. Selina sighs.
"I know B but she promised she will next time" she says wrapping her arms around her husband.
Bruce kisses his wife before pulling away and looking over at his daughter who was eating her dinner like the rest of his 11 children (11 children + Helena) Bruce walks over to the table and kisses his daughter her head.
"Next time tell me and I will have it sorted" he says. Helena nods her head.

Helena Wayne
Damien Wayne
The twins
Timothy Wayne
Richard Wayne

Jason Wayne
Terry Wayne
Cassandra Wayne
Olivia Wayne
Olive Wayne
Sophia Wayne
Mason Wayne
Amelia Wayne

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