I think... 1/3

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Bruce sits in his office. He was reading one of his books from his fathers many books. He was bored. He had been the last 2 months as he hadn't seen Selina as after one night she went M.I.A. He was been trying to find her but he couldn't.
Bruce puts his head on the book and closes his eyes when he hears 2 hands slam on the desk. He looks up at Selina who seems to be in a state of panic.
"Selina What are you doing here... where have you been... are you ok" he asks as he runs around the desk to get to her.
"You know that night that we had together a few months ago" she says not looking at him. Bruce nods.
"Well ehh did you use protection" she asks.
"Umm no where it happened didn't really have protection around so umm" he says nervously.
"Bruce I think I'm pregnant" she says looking at him. Bruce's eyes go wide.
"Selina are you sure" he says. She nods.
"I have the sighs. I have been more tired lately. Mood swings. I have been craving weird things. Headaches. Been throwing up all the time. I can't even go to the sirens club because the smell of alcohol makes me throw up" she lists.
"I need some money to buy a test I've been so tired and throwing up that much that I haven't had time to get enough money to buy one" she says. Bruce nods.
"Sure we can go and get one" he says. She nods.
"Ok let's go" he says. She nods before they walk out of the manor.

Selina walks into the store leaving Bruce in the car. Bruce looks at Selina as she walks in. He sighs. How could he be so irresponsible. But then again if she was then he would get what he has always wanted a family. He knows that at this age it is a bit inconvenient but he doesn't care. He doesn't regret that night. He never will.
Bruce's phone rings and he looks at and sees Alfred name. He picks up.
"Yes Alfred" he says.
"Where are you mate I've been looking for you" he asks.
"I'm just having a drive around the city need to have a break" he says.
"Well make sure you home. And Bruce remember Selina might not want to be found" he says.
"I don't care I need to make sure she is alright Alfred" he says.
"I know that you love her mate but you have to relies she is a tough one" he says. Bruce sighs.
"I know. I'm going to keep looking ok and then I'll be back in 3 hours most alright" he says.
"Ok Master Bruce" he says.
"Bye Alfred" he says.
"Bye Master Bruce" he says before he hangs up. Bruce puts the phone down and sighs. The door opens and Selina gets in and sits down. Bruce sees a small bag in her hand. And he sees a small box in there.

Bruce and Selina walk into Selina's old apartment. She walks into the bathroom and closes the door. Bruce sits down on the couch and breathes out. After a few minutes she walks back out with the test in her hands but it isn't facing her.
"How long does it take" he asks.
"3 minutes" she says. Bruce nods. She puts the test on the table and sits next to Bruce. They sit in silence for a moment.
"What if I am" she says. Bruce leans forward.
"Then we will raise our child the best we can. That is all we can do is try our best" he says.
"Bruce that's not going to work. With me as a mother. A low life thief" she says. Bruce shakes his head.
"You are not that. You are Selina Kyle one of the most amazing people I know ok" he says. She smiles.
"Do you think it would be done by now" she says.
"Maybe How does It show that your pregnant" he asks.
"One line meets negative 2 means pregnant" she says. He nods. She picks up the test.
"Ok one two three" she says and turns it over.
She was pregnant. Selina breathes out a shaky breath. She has tears in her eyes.
"Hey it's going to be ok" Bruce says taking her in his arms.
"How is it going to be ok. I don't want to be like my mom Bruce" she says.
"Your not ok. I know you wont" he says. She cries.
After a few minutes she pulls away.
"When are we going to tell Alfred" she asks.
"Tomorrow we take another test to make sure and if it says positive then we go to the hospital and make sure" he says. She nods.

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