Till death do them part

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Bruce and Selina sat in the empty club. Jeremiah was taking over gotham and their chance of dying was high. Selina has her head on his shoulder and he rubbed her hand.
"Promise me if one of us die that you will fight" he says. She looks at him with sad eyes.
"Where going to survive this ok" she says. He nods at puts his head on hers.

Bruce walks into the GCPD. He sees Jim sorting out what to do and how to keep people safe.
"Hey Bruce" he says.
"Do you know if we have any judges left in the city" he asks.
"I'm pretty sure there is one or two still here yes... why do you ask" he asks in confusion
"No reason do you know where they are".
"Yeah" he says writing down the address.
"Thanks" he says walking off.

Bruce walks into the club and sees Selina sitting at a barstool. He walks up and puts his arms around her. She tenses before melting into his touch.
"I was wondering when you where coming back" she says.
"We have to go somewhere" he says into her ear.
"Why" she asks.
"You'll see" he says taking her hand and they walk out of the club.

Bruce and Selina walk hand and hand into the town hall.
"What are we doing here" she asks.
"Well I love you and I always will and I was wondering if you wanted to marry me" I say showing her the ring.
"Like right now" she says.
"Yeah" Bruce says. She smiles at him before putting her hand on his face and kissing him.
"Yes" she says. He smiles and holds her.
"Come on you two we don't have all day here" Alfred says. Selina laughs.
"Good to see you alfred" she says.
"Come on the judge is impatient" he says. Selina and Bruce walk into the room and sees the judge. Alfred sits down on the chair. Bruce and Selina stand infront of the judge.
"Today we are here for the marriage of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle" he starts.
"Bruce I want you to repeat after me... I bruce Wayne" he says.
"I bruce Wayne" Bruce says.
"Take Selina Kyle".
"Take Selina Kyle".
"To be my wife".
"To be my wife".
"Till death do us part".
"Till death do us part" Bruce says looking at Selina. She smiles at him.
(Selina repeats what he says but says his name but to be my husband instead)
"Bruce do you take Selina to be you lawfully wedded wife. Through sickness and in health till death do you part" the judge ask.
"I do" he says.
"And do you Selina take Bruce to be you lawfully wedded husband. Through sickness and in healthy till death do you part" he asks.
"I do" she says.
"With the power vested in me. You may kiss the bride" he says. Bruce smiles and kisses Selina putting his hand in her face. Alfred claps.
They are together.
Till death do them part.

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