New Beginnings

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Freddie's P.O.V
John didn't talk to me the next day, or the day after, it was becoming difficult to record without us talking, he would just hum or nod whenever I asked him to do something or praised him for his efforts. I knew he was really pissed off with me and Paul and the worst thing was, Paul enjoyed every second of John being annoyed with me.

He would slag John off behind his back to me and then act all accommodating towards John whenever he was in the same room as him. I had to admit (with a little guilt) it was nice to get everything I was feeling off my chest to someone, Paul was a good listener and gave me advice like "Just ignore him Freddie, you've got me" he could overstep his boundary sometimes.

One night, I decided to try and set the record straight with John, I knew it would be a fruitless attempt but at least I could try. I knocked on John's door gently, Roger and Brian were upstairs, hopefully asleep so they could inevitably avoid the noise that John would make as soon as I tried to speak to him.

The door opened and John glared at me angrily, his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, the blue and white foam dripping down his chin. I gave him a weak smile and peered round him to see if anyone was in the room, not that there would be of course. "Can I come in?" I asked giving a nervous smile at the scowl he gave me at the suggestion of him even being allowed in his presence alone.

He nodded curtly and held the door open, stepping to the side and allowing me in, still scowling at me as I carefully walked down the stairs, I still couldn't stop thinking about what he had told me the night of the argument, did John really love me? He spat his toothpaste out the little window and wiped his face with a washcloth, he turned and looked at me.

"What do you want?" He snarled, raising his eyebrows to the ceiling and glaring at me. I swallowed a lump in my throat before saying in a soft voice "I wanted to speak to you about the other night" he took a long sip from a glass of water and set the glass down on the dresser, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and began brushing out his hair in the mirror, his back turned to me.

"Ah right" he murmured, he waved his hand at me "Well go on then, we don't have all night" I had to admit, I felt a little angry that he even dared speak to me like that but I knew that shouting at him would do nothing. "Well" I started softly "I just came down to say that I'm sorry" John turned and looked at me like I was insane, a look of surprise and relief on his face.

"Oh" he blushed an adorable shade of pink "I'm sorry as well" the bad boy attitude was gone and the shy, anxious boy was back. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, I buried his face into my chest, placing my head on top of his and gently pressing my lips to it, his hair smelt lovely.

"Do you forgive me?" I asked, cupping his face in my hands and lifting his chin up so we were looking at eachother "If I didn't forgive you would I have done this?" Before I could say anything else he pressed his lips to mine and wrapped his arms around my neck. His lips were soft and everything I had ever dreamed of, this was going a lot smoother than I had expected.

I placed my hands on his hips and closed my eyes, giving back to him, he cheekily slipped his tongue into my mouth and I just allowed him to. He pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me, straddling me and kissing me again, jerking me forward. God the excitement was overwhelming, I had never been controlled before, I was usually the one who was doing all the controlling.

He pulled away and I massaged his ass with my hands, he moaned a little and grinded against me "John my dear" I asked, trying not to groan out in pleasure whilst he continued grinding against my growing erection.  He nodded and attacked my neck, sucking and biting at all the sensitive parts "Can I make love to you?" I asked, John's eyes opened wide, I knew this was his first time doing anything, with anyone, so I had to be careful with the poor thing.

A Night At The Opera Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora