It's Offical

705 26 28

Freddies P.O.V
I actually couldn't believe it, the love of my life was going to have my baby! Words couldn't express how happy I felt.

John didn't seem to happy about the baby, he was isolating himself, being sick and not willing to record or play bass.

I helped him into the car later that week, he had a slight bump and he was eating some weird stuff, like the other day he asked me to get him some brownie mix.. and then proceeded to eat it straight from the bowl.

"You excited?" I asked, placing a hand on his thigh, he looked out the window and hummed in response, I awkwardly turned the radio on.

"Come on John honey" I said softly "We might have a baby, that's amazing" he shook his head, I felt a little hurt.

"Don't you want a baby with me?" I asked, kissing his hand, he leaned over the middle of the car and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Of course I do it's just.." his voice trailed off, I looked at him, waiting for a response.

"Its Veronica" he said, my heart dropped "We have two kids, I can't just leave her now" I rubbed my fingers over his knuckles.

"Don't worry about it" I replied, looking out the window as we drove through the little town.

"Its not that easy"

I sighed and looked back out the window, the country fields a blur and dull, the sun hovering above us, shining weakly onto the plains.

We pulled up to the hospital and I helped John inside, it was a quiet area so we could get around easily without the press everywhere.

We signed in and took a seat in the waiting room. John paled a little, his legs and hands shaking with worry. I took his hand in mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Mr Deacon?" The receptionist called, I turned back to face her. "The doctor will see you now" she smiled at us before looking back down at her paperwork.

We entered a small room, a doctor sat there at his desk, smiling broadly at us. He stood up and shook my hand before shaking John's.

"Hello Mr Deacon" the doctor said cheerily "And you are John's partner I assume" he looked at me, I nodded.

"Excellent, let's get on with it then" John lay on the bed and pulled up his shirt, the doctor looked at it whilst getting the ultrasound monitor ready.

"Well it looks like we don't need to do an ultrasound" The doctor chuckled at  John.

John giggled and nodded "Yeah, it's been great seeing you again" the doctor and John laughed together.

"Are you excited Mr Mercury?" The doctor asked, my eyes widened.

"How do you know my name?"

"Don't be ridiculous Freddie" John snapped "We're everywhere" I looked back at the doctor and scratched the back of my head.

"Right, I forgot about that" the doctor chuckled and placed the probe on John's stomach, he turned on the screen and moved the probe around.

He held it over a spot and we saw what our baby looked like on the ultrasound. It was fully developed, little fingers and toes, with legs and hands.

I squeezed John's hand and kissed him on the head, the doctor studied the screen. He looked at it closely before turning back to John.

"What gender are you hoping for?"

"Well I'd like a boy" John said "But I really don't mind" John looked at me and kissed me.

"Freddie wants a girl" he said, laying back down and looking at the screen. The doctor turned and smiled at us.

"Your baby is in a position where I can see what gender it is" John squealed in delight, the doctor looked at the screen again before looking back at us.

"Freddie your prayers have been answered, it's a girl" I squeaked and hugged John, squeezing him tightly.

"I can print off the ultrasound if you like, I'll need to get your medication as well John" he left the room to go and get John's medication and our ultrasound.

"So, a little girl" I said softly, John nuzzled his head into my hand "Any names you like?" I asked.

"No, I don't know" he replied, looking down at his stomach "Any ones you like?" He looked up at me.

"I think we should choose something regal, you know" I said "Like Camilla and Anastasia"

John's eyes widened at the last one "Anastasia?" He said, raising his eyebrows. I nodded and the doctor walked back in.

He handed John a small bottle of pills and handed me the ultrasound scan "Take one per day" John nodded and fixed his shirt.

We drove back to the farm, John looking out the window, lost in thought about something, the chauffeur pulled into the yard before I could ask John what was wrong.

"Thanks" I said, opening John's car door after opening mine, we quickly walked inside as it began to rain.

Roger and Brian were sitting at the table, Roger on Brian's lap, eating a banana very suggestivley. "Did you find out the gender?" Brian asked.

I nodded whilst John walked off into the cottage, Roger squealed and hopped off Brian's lap, revealing his obvious bulge.

"What is it?" Roger asked, getting close to my face. I chuckled and pushed the blonde man out of my face "It's a girl" I said softly.

Brian pulled me into a hug, Roger squeezing inbetween us "Congratulations!" Roger squeaked. I smiled weakly and mumbled "Thanks" 

They pulled away and I walked upstairs to my room, John was laying on the bed, naked from the waist up, wearing a pair of fluffy grey pyjama pants.

"You alright?" I asked, laying down next to him and placing a kiss on his cheek. "You haven't said a word since we got the ultrasound"

John looked at me and nodded, he smiled at me and leaned in, giving me a kiss on the lips before pulling away.

"I like the name Anastasia" he said with a little grin, I lay down next to him and placed my hand on his stomach.

"If we got married" I said, rubbing his stomach " What name would you choose?" John smiled at me, letting out a little chuckle.

"Mercury" he said looking at me lovingly, he rubbed his bump gently. "John Richard Mercury" he said with a little giggle.

"John Richard Mercury" I repeated as he curled up closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

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