Goodbye, Old Friend

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Roger's P.O.V
"Hey Roger" the calm, sickly sweet tone of Blaire's voice came from the doorway. I slowly looked over my shoulder, eyes narrowed as I looked her up and down.

She didn't seem to be making an approach so I shrugged it off and turned back to make my tea, murmuring a nearly inaudible "Y'alright?" As she sauntered towards me.

"Just fine thank you Mr Taylor" She placed her hand on my shoulder and gently combed her other hand through my hair. It felt weird, it felt like I was being unfaithful to Brian.

"That's good" I stirred my tea and threw the teabag in the bin. She bit her bottom lip as she began to rub small circles along my back, getting lower and lower until she reached my tailbone.

I shot her an unaumused look, one of my eyebrows raised to the ceiling. She backed off a bit but never took her hands off my back.

"When are you leaving?" I snapped quickly, feeling a satisfied smirk form at the corner of my lips as she stepped back in surprise at my sudden change in tone.

"In a few days" she replied calmly, her voice trembling a little. I chuckled softly and placed my hand down on the table, taking a long sip from my tea.

"Listen, Blaire" I said as calmly as I could "I don't know what you think you're doing but you listen to me and you listen to me well" I stared her right in those manipulative eyes of hers.

"It. Ain't. Happening." I growled, she nodded but then smirked at me. She then laughed quite maniacally before strolling right up to me and wrapping her ice cold arms around my neck.

"Oh Roger" She said in that voice of hers "You just don't get it do you?" I didn't lose the tough guy characteristic whilst she was running her finger up my chest.

"I have all the info I need on you" She said, biting my earlobe "On John, on Freddie and on Brian" my heart stopped, goosebumps forming on the surface of my skin.

"I'm not here because I care" she wrapped her arms around my waist, knocking my teacup out of my hand and onto the floor. It smashed on the wooden floor, spilling tea everywhere.

"I'm here to get what's rightfully mine" she growled, grinding against my crotch. I just stood there, gripping the edges of the table so tightly my knuckles turned a deathly white.

"You Roger" She said, kissing my neck, sucking so hard on the sensitive skin it broke and I whimpered quietly as she marked me as her own.

"Aw, you poor baby" she drawled "You crying?" She turned me to look in the mirror, moving my blonde hair over so I could see the dark red hickey.

"Now what would Brian say?" She whispered, I bit my trembling bottom lip. The thoughts of Brian crying because his unfaithful man whore of a boyfriend had cheated on him with an ex.

She unhooked her arms and legs kicking the door behind her closed, and locking it. She drew the curtains and turned back towards me, pulling down her skirt.

I whimpered softly as she kicked her black, checked skirt to the other side of the room until she was just in her shirt and panties.

She walked up to me and moved my hands over to the buttons of her shirt, she made me open it. My hands shaking and my head spinning.

"Shh, Shh Rog" She whispered again, biting my earlobe "You love me, don't you?" I closed my eyes and shook my head softly as she peeled her shirt off and discarded it along with her skirt.

"That's not the answer I was after Rog" she growled, digging her heel into my foot. "Let's ask again" she whispered "Do you love me?" I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

"Say it" she growled, digging her heel further into my foot, it was extremely painful. "I'll tell Brian what you did to me if you don't" she teased.

"I-I l-love you B-Blaire" I whispered gently. She gasped excitedly and clapped her hands together before  she unzipped my fly.

"Good boy Roger darling" she whispered, kissing my neck again as I hung my head in shame. My blonde locks covering my eyes as small, salty tears creeped out the corners.

"Now, just enjoy yourself"
Freddie's P.O.V
"Thank you Mr Mercury" Blaire said softly, reaching out to shake my hand as her camera crew climbed into the van they had driven up to the farm in.

"Really, it was our pleasure" I murmured softly, trying my absolute hardest not to crush her hand in mine.

Blaire originally had three more days until she was supposed to leave but for some reason yesterday Roger came back from our break really distressed.

His hair was really messy and his face looked puffy and red, like he'd been crying. He wouldn't look at me or John, he would intentionally avoid his boyfriend whom he loved dearly.

Brian hugged Roger after recording like he did to everyone but Roger just stood there, not wrapping his arms around Brian's neck and snuggling his head into his boyfriend's neck like he always did.

He wouldn't let us get anywhere near him, and he covered his neck up weirdly. Blaire, the bitch, had a big smirk on her face whilst we were recording.

I had a bad feeling she had something to do with Roger feeling the way he did. So, I cut her and her team off early.

"Look out for it on BBC One" She said with that smile of hers, I always felt uncomfortable around her. She was way too clingy around Roger.

"I will, thank you again Miss Holloway" I waved her goodbye as she climbed into the van and slid the door shut.

I turned back and slowly closed the door behind me, John was asleep and I didn't want to wake him up by slamming the door shut. A late night smoke always cooled my nerves.

I went around back and saw Roger there, wearing a thick winter coat, sitting on a bin. His blonde hair covering his eyes, he was sniffling and letting out almost inaudible sobs.

"Rog?" I asked softly, reaching over towards the younger man and placing a hand on his shoulder. He flinched and looked up at me, his eyes were filled with tears, his cheeks bright red and puffy like they were yesterday.

"F-Fred. Please l-leave me a-alone.." He held a cigarette in his hand, but it wasn't a normal one. It was wrapped in a brown paper, filled with a white substan-

"Oh Rog" I murmured, looking at the cigarette and then back at him. He whimpered and bit his tongue, tears filling his eyes again. "What would Brian sa-"

"It doesn't matter what Brian would say!" He snapped, looking away from me. The lit cigarette still between his fingers, scooting so he was pressed against the wall. The dim light of the lamp barely illuminating him in the dark corner.

"Brian wouldn't want me!" He threw the cigarette on the floor, he looked me dead in the eyes "No one wants me!" He put his head in his hands.

"No one wants a man whore! Who has no talent! No loyalty!" He was really upset, tears pouring out his bloodshot eyes.

He stormed away, wiping his eyes and sobbing as he went. I had forgotten all about my late night cigarette, instead I looked at the one on the floor. The white stuff spilling out the end.

"No one wants a man whore!"

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