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Freddies P.O.V
John had brightened up since we spoke about getting married, I was planning to propose to him once he had told Veronica about the pregnancy.

He had calmed down about Veronica because of Roger, Rog had told us about the time he had to come out to his girlfriend.

John was really relaxed, he was recording and singing with us, eating some weird stuff but it felt like normal John again.

We had already gone shopping for baby clothes and things, we were leaving the farm in late November, luckily the album was almost finished.

John was now 9 months pregnant, he was glowing. He had back pain, really bad acne and he couldn't record as much as he used to because Anastasia was wearing him down.

We were only a couple weeks away from Annie's due date, John and I had taken time preparing for when she would come.

He once asked me to get him popcorn, freshly made, I thought that he just wanted to watch a movie but then when I came back down with it he took it back up to the kitchen and put mustard, Ketchup and chocolate sauce on it.

We had finished recording Rogers car song and John was really tired. He flopped down on the sofa and put his feet up on the table.

"Freddie!" He yelled from downstairs, I was on the phone to Reid back in London.

"Hang on" I hissed, putting my hand over the speaker "What is it Johnny? I'm on the phone!" I tapped my fingers on the table whilst I waited for his answer.

"Can you get me something to eat?" He called back, I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Sure! What do you want?" I bit my bottom lip and I heard Reid hysterically laughing into the phone.

"Do we have any chillies and Tobasco?" He yelled, my eyes widened and I shook my head.

Suddenly a guardian angel entered the room. It was Roger, who had just woken up from an extremely long nap.

"I'll get it Fred" he whispered, waving me away from the door with his hand and motioning towards the phone, I mouthed a quick "Thank you" before  putting the phone back over my ear.

Rogers P.O.V
I opened the cabinet and pulled out the little bottle of Tobasco, placing it on the kitchen counter. I then waltzed over to the fridge, yanking it open and grabbing the little box of chillies.

I placed three of them onto a plate, opening the Tobasco and pouring half the bottle onto the three, the more the better.

John loved everything to be unbearably spicy, I would throw up after eating the first one. God knows how he survived eating a whole box of chillies a day.

I walked downstairs to where John was sitting, lazily flicking through the channels on Tv. He spotted me with his plate of food.

"Oh Rog you legend!" He squeaked excitedly like I'd walked in with a new puppy. He held his hands out to take the plate off me, I held it high above my head.

"Oi you twat! Give it here!" He giggled as I sat down next to him, handing him the plate. He quickly took one of the chillies off the plate and bit it in half.

"How the fuck do you eat shit like that?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him as he scoffed down the chilli. He looked at me like a deer in the headlights.

"Its good" he said through a mouthful, dripping the sauce all over his shirt. I rolled my eyes as he continued eating.

"Isn't that really spicy?" I asked. He shook his head as he bit into another chilli that was dripping with Tobasco, getting it all on his lap.

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